If you build it, they won’t come.

Show them why you matter.

Startup Dreams
Startup Dreams


Due to the proliferation of information on the Internet, and more recently, the addition of more and more information due to social media, there’s so much info one has to sift through.

There has been an increase in access to information as well as an increase in the quantity of information and products, so now, it’s all about being able to find exactly what you are looking for and on the flip side showing your audience exactly what they’re looking for.

On that same note, due to different mediums that allow people to create products, articles, startups and content in general, one now, has to find out how to get past the all the noise to get to great quality material.

These mediums allow and enable opportunities for people who might not have had the chance in the past to create to be able to do so. But this means that as a content consumer it might take longer to find that really great product or content.

So as a content generator, whether it be products or articles, one has to realize that it is not only necessary to have great content but also the savvy to be able to get your product in front of your audience. To really break out and stand out, you have to differentiate so much that your product becomes noteworthy, or remarkable. So much that if I happened to stumble upon your product and I was the intended user, I would talk about it, tweet about it, and share all about it.

* The onus of the content provider is that you must step up your standards. You have to step up your work processes, refine your behaviors and actions and learn to be better each day, both individually in your personal life and professionally in your startup life.

