Let’s Really Innovate

Innovate or Die.

Startup Dreams
Startup Dreams


I’m going to start this piece off with an excerpt from the Pinky and the Brain TV Series.

Brain: How are we going to get the Earth to lose weight?

Pinky: I know! We can get everyone to go on a diet!

Brain: Diets don’t work.

Pinky: Not even if you call them ‘A Whole New Way of Eating?’

Brain: No.”

This may be funny but it seems that this is similar to what the business landscape in general and specifically the startup scene is looking like.

There seems to be a lot of products that are selling you the same thing just with a slightly different spin on it, the same clothing, the same food, the same experience with just a slightly different change and guess what, all of a sudden it’s an innovation.

Do you want to just sell your product or actually find out if it’s useful and has a measurable increase in a person’s life? If you just want to sell and make money then, you spend your time redefining the same issue and present a same solution, it’s just redefined, like Pinky did in the excerpt above.

If you are truly able to find ways to further the cause, add value and push humanity further in some form or fashion, you stand out much more.

Find the need, truly understand the need, create a great solution.

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