Startup Founder Joelle Parenteau

Leon Pals
Startup Stories
Published in
5 min readJan 21, 2017


Joelle loves to play poker, race cars, shoot guns. And, she loves startups. She is the founder of peer-to-peer experience platform which was inspired by her time in LA connecting with strangers, who shared their hobbies with her — from surfing to dirt biking to shooting; incredible experiences you currently can’t access unless you ‘know a guy’. She didn’t agree with this. She believed everyone should have access to such experiences. So she made this her mission, launching Xpeeria to connect people with talents and hobbies, with those looking for new experiences — so we can all, collectively, do more.

What inspired you to become an entrepreneur?

I wouldn’t say I really planned to be an entrepreneur. It’s more like I saw a problem that annoyed me, so I had no choice but to try and fix it. And I did. Then someone called me an entrepreneur and I thought that was cool. Now, I’m on startup #2 and realize that entrepreneurship is in my DNA.

Can you remember what the biggest barriers to entry entrepreneurship were for you?

I think we are our own barriers. It’s only your own doubts and fears of failure that can stop you. I think mental toughness is probably the top skill you must acquire quickly to survive in the startup world.

What does success look like to you personally?

The confidence and happiness that results from creating something that has an impact on people lives. Also, the freedom to continue to pursue the challenges that I find meaningful and fulfilling. Finally, being in a position to create opportunities to share these incredible experiences with others.

What is your role at Xpeeria?

I am the founder & CEO. I wear all the hats — except for coding, which I leave to my trusted co-founder. I inspire, strategize, recruit talent, fundraise, and experiment.

What does a productive day for you look like?

I’m a night owl, so I usually get up around 10am, work for a few hours, work out, work a few more hours, eat dinner, work a few more hours until my brain is totally fried… Then wind down by playing poker.

Which problem are you solving with Xpeeria?

There is no easy way to access experiences and we are limited by a lack of supply. Take this quote: “Millennials can get anything they want online through Amazon and other e-commerce sites. What they can’t get is experiences, and they actually prefer experiences now more than ever. This consumer spending shift towards experiences is a key opportunity.” It’s our mission to create a peer-to-peer marketplace that allows everyday people to share their talents and hobbies in order to create a new source of supply and make experiences accessible to all.

Where does your motivation to solve this problem come from?

I had the idea for Xpeeria after moving to LA for a few months, a year and a half ago, trying get my life back together after a tough divorce. I badly wanted new experiences, but I knew no one, had nothing, and was discouraged to visit tourist traps or canned lessons. I wanted authentic experiences, with real people. So, I wandered and chatted with people — sometimes dropping “I’d really like to try surfing…”, until I found a true surfer dude with an extra board, who offered to teach me. By connecting with ‘strangers’, I got to try surfing, hiking, dirt biking, target shooting, and more. As I posted my experiences on Facebook, old friends started noticing them, and were asking how in the world I was getting to do all these amazing things. They were jealous, they too wanted new experiences. I actually felt guilty, I believed everyone should have access to these opportunities. That’s when it hit me and I thought to myself: I can build a platform for this. I knew then that I had found my purpose.

What does success look like for Xpeeria?

It’s the great Steve Jobs himself who once said “Life is about creating & living experiences that are worth sharing.” Success for Xpeeria is about actually making this possible by empowering people with a platform to facilitate this. Success is people all around the world meeting new people and sharing experiences they never would or could have otherwise.

Which one thing would you love to tell your younger self?

There’s a reason you don’t fit in. And it’s a good thing.

What has been your biggest failure?

My marriage. I learned that life is an experience and everything happens for a reason.

What would you highly recommend aspiring entrepreneurs to do?

Do not make up excuses. This is especially true for female founders: We are our own worst enemy. I’m sick of hearing complaints that it’s ‘harder for women’. Honestly, I think it’s a double-edged sword, but I won’t get into that now. Entrepreneurship is hard, so stop whining and start hustling.

What’s growth like?

We just launched two weeks ago, so we’re still just a baby in the startup world. But the feedback from early users has been truly uplifting.

How big is the team?

Three full-time team members, and three awesome volunteers/interns.

What are you currently failing at?

Creating enough content to properly share our mission and story.

What are you currently struggling with?

Sony fighting us on our trademark application.

What makes you worry?

Lawyers and accountants.

What’s your favourite emoji?

😜 Cause I love quirky sarcasm.

Who is your favourite super hero?

Aragorn from Lord of the Rings.

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Challenges expressed are in no way meant to solicit commercial acquisition.

You can find Joelle on Facebook & Twitter, and Xpeeria on Facebook & Twitter.



Leon Pals
Startup Stories

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