And so it begins…

Matt McFedries
Startup Founders Christchurch
3 min readApr 24, 2016

Startup Founders Christchurch began with a Meetup called ‘telling a compelling story’. In that Meetup we heard from a number of founders sharing what they’re up to.

It was inspiring.

There’s nothing like hearing from someone else who dared to start and dared to fail. Even starting this Meetup was a dare to fail — the thought crossed my mind a few times, what if no one joins? What if no one turns up? What if the result of my effort was an empty Meetup with me as the organiser and sole member… a derelict lot of Internet real estate void of conversation and life. The ‘unmentionable’ child of my digital legacy.

Turns out SFC struck a chord with a bunch of ‘upstarts’ in Christchurch, keen to connect. Keen to escape the dim light of their spare rooms, basements and day jobs and share the wins, struggles and a couple of drinks with like minds.

So a big thank you to those who joined, to those who are helping to build the startup community in Christchurch by sharing their time, talent and stories.

Why founders need other founders

Simply put, no one knows what starting up is really like unless they’ve dared to start something themselves.

There’s plenty of advisors and advice out there, but there’s nothing that can replace getting alongside someone that’s actually in the trenches, facing the same challenges of belief, funding, validation, hiring, pitching, winning customers and overcoming all odds.

Don’t get me wrong, external advice and advisors are critical–you’ll probably fail without them. The point is to intentionally surround yourself with a network people who will fuel the your fire in your belly to push through and overcome.

How the SFC community can help, now & future

I think the value of this community is:

  1. You’re more likely to find your tribe
  2. You’ll connect with people, resources & wisdom you’d otherwise miss
  3. It makes it easier for future startup founders

Already we could consider SFC a tribe of founders. But I’m curious to find my tribe within SFC, those at a similar stage or with similar business models. People that have already overcome some of the challenges I’m facing.

I’m also keen to give back. Mostly because when I moved back to Christchurch from Wellington I found it really hard to find or tap into the startup scene. And 2 years on, it still feels fragmented.

So perhaps the SFC community can become the glue that helps hold the Christchurch startup community together. Or how about SFC becoming a beacon for others that are starting up or thinking of starting up–a voice that says “it’s possible and we’re here to cheer you on on your startup journey–and we have free pizza!”.

Final words

I started the SFC Meetup to ‘scratch my own itch’–to connect with other founders. So far it seems to have succeeded. However it needs more than just me to make it work. So have a think about your contribution. Turning up to events is great, I super appreciate it, it’s part of what will make this idea work. Oh and it’s fine if that’s all you want to commit to–after all SFC is for you.

But if you’ve got an inkling to contribute more whether it be organising Meetups, writing blogs, finding sponsors or anything else that you think would help build this community then don’t be shy. Submit a blog here on Medium or get in touch with me re becoming an organiser or sponsor or whatever.

Love your work.




Matt McFedries
Startup Founders Christchurch

Father. Husband. Entrepreneur. Student of lean and #JTBD. Currently working on myself, & three kids.