Is this the one?

Chris Evans
From Scratch
Published in
2 min readFeb 19, 2020

Welcome to the new year, the new decade. 2020.

For the last few years, I’ve done a retrospective looking at the last year. I look at what went right, what went wrong and what I want to achieve in the next year.

Among goals related to health and general creativity, I want to push my side projects and writing to a new level.

I’ve therefore decided to start a new project…

Yes, another one.

One of the main hurdles I always encounter in my side projects is marketing, I’m able to design and build things but haven’t had much luck getting them in front of people.

With my latest project, Lancerlist, this changed. I was able to rectify some of these problems and found actual success using social media and content marketing to drive traffic to the website. I’ve also been experimenting with email marketing recently and feel much more confident in that space.

With this project, I will be chronicling my progress with weekly-ish blog posts. From this I’m looking to:

  • Improve my writing skills. I don’t like writing. I’m bad at writing. But I hope turning it into a habit with a clear structure will compound my writing skills. What’s to lose ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • Build my personal audience. I’ve set up a new shiny email list where people can receive updates on this journey directly to their inbox. If this project fails, having an audience will make the next one more likely to succeed.
  • Create hype for the project. If I can create enough noise about this project I hope to build a list of early adopters interested in trying the product once launch.
  • Fight anxiety. Sharing imperfect work has always caused me some level of anxiety (hello fellow imposters). Throughout this project I’ll be sharing my process and progress here and on Twitter.

The new project will be a saas (subscription as a service) product in the social media space. It’ll be aimed at small to medium businesses, more about that in the next post.

I’m coming at this from a fresh perspective, taking the good from my previous projects with larger ambitions and focus.

No more dicking around in the playoffs.



Chris Evans
From Scratch

Designer & Developer // Frontend Developer at @InktrapDesign //