8k members, pitchdeck advice, new book from Calacanis

Charles Jo
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2 min readJul 3, 2017

#comet @everyone

2 July 2017

*Welcome new members!* #comet is the Startup Study Group daily alert, curated by community members like you on Google Doc (http://bit.ly/ssg-comet). If you received this in an email, please share the gospel and invite more great people to apply to SSG community at http://startupstudygroup.com/slack/ . We are creating the best startup community. #bottr https://bottr.me/ssgslackbot


8,061 startup founders and investors are now part of Startup Study Group on Slack. We’ll continue to review platforms to host our community so welcome all ideas.


From @yangterrence

Sharing with SSG my formerly very secret deck tips & to whoever @charlesjo wants to send it to! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ge0S4mWsbk-5CJOVoJ3WLpIstttTCMKtgAw2vxPj9m0/edit?usp=sharing



Hey folks! Wrote this last night and would like to know what you all think. Not business related, but I enjoyed writing it and would like some insight as to how accurate it is:



@jasoncalacanis has a new book on coming out. If you pre-order and tweet about it, he will assign you a unicorn name.


If you heard about the book from SSG, then mention @ssgslack on your tweet to Jason.

:rocket: #growth #convergecoffee From @seansullivan110

Converge Coffee is 15k and growing with entrepreneurs and innovators from executives all the way to sales, marketing, and recruiting. https://www.kanvz.com/charlesjo/post/1496958446257

❤ @charlesjo Make it a great 2017 for you and your communities!


Startup Study Group is the startup community we’ve always wanted and proud to be troll-free. SSG will scale — so absolutely no bullying, hate speech, hate groups. Be polite — there is no room for rude people. Start discussions in public then request direct messages if needed. Community is encouraged to proactively monitor all bad behavior. If you experience any negative activity that makes you feel uncomfortable, please DM @charlesjo. http://ssgslack.com/canvas/1458614034013 .

