For SSG: How we did auto invite into Slack using Typeform and AWS Lambda

Vlad Chernyshov
Published in
2 min readSep 6, 2016

For SSG members: use this hack to build a community around you own product! If you need help with setting this up, ping @bloodcarter at SSG.

At Dedal we’re changing the home improvement industry. And we know that every major innovation starts with building a community. Our community for licensed contractors is based on Slack, but Slack doesn’t allow people to sign up directly. The team’s admin needs to invite people manually. wrote an original article on how to hack the Slack API and I’ve also stumbled upon Lucas Gordon’s great SlackForm Node.js module.

Dedal uses Amazon Web Services (which is awesome) and this is how we managed to automate our stuff using AWS Lambda.

1) Get the source code of inviteTypeFormToSlack lambda function bundle, extract, open index.js and change these keys to yours:

If you don’t know where to get the keys, read this.

2) Sign in into your AWS account and create new empty Lambda function:

3) Zip the bundle again and upload it to your lambda function using AWS Console:

4) Add a CloudWatch rule to run your lambda function every 5 min:

5) Done!

UPDATE: Also see this article from the Typeform blog.

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