Your Daily Wins Matter!

and how writing them down will help you tremendously.

Ömer Akyürek


Today, I want to tell you about a small exercise I’ve been doing for almost two weeks now. It sounds pretty straight forward and simple, but helped me a lot in the past days.

Just a little background and context: we as startup founders, employees, vc’s or anyone who is working in a very stressful environment, have the urge to complain about everything. Take my startup and role as a co-founder as an example. Our main job is to solve problems. Whether it is some missing Nespresso caps or finding the right investors, all we do, most of the day is to solve problems. If something is going right, we don’t usually put much effort and time into thinking about it, am I correct?

Sometimes it gets really, really tough, though. It happened to us many dozens of times and I found myself complaining and not appreciating the things that I had. I was only focused on the negative things. Three days before my 31 birthday, my mother came along a gave me a beautifully hand-written gift card. Probably one of the sweetest things I’ve ever received. Did you know what I did?

I just read once and put it to the side..

Many hours later, all of a sudden I realized, that I stopped appreciating the little things that happen day in and day out. The next day, I thought about a solution to this. This first thing was to stop complaining and talking about negative things and the second one: write down your daily wins.

Here is a brief excerpt of my daily wins:

05.05.: Received a gift card from my mother.
06.05.: An old friend messaged me.
07.05.: Slept 8h.
08.05.: Got birthday greetings from all over the world.
11.05.: Trip to Berlin.
12.05.: Back at the Office, Trip to Spain for a Bachelor’s Party.

This list is normally private and can only be unlocked with my fingerprint on the iPhone 6S. The only goal of it is to help and motivate me, when I have some bad days and feel low.

Go ahead and do it for a week straight. Write down your small and big wins, which you’re feeling grateful of. Trust me, down the path when you look back, it will help you tremendously.

Looking forward to your feedback in the comments section :).



Ömer Akyürek

Background in economics and marketing. Designer at day, Developer at night. —