Go where you will thrive. Embrace the struggle. Success is ahead.

Motivation from Tom Burrell to bold entrepreneurs.

Naya Moss
Startup Grind Journal
3 min readJul 24, 2019


Startup Grind hosted Tom Burrell a young entrepreneur from New Zealand. Founder and CEO of the Inspiring Property startup, making housing affordable for first-time homebuyers and young people.

This was the most motivational event I needed at the right time. Prior to the event, I was stuck in an abyss of anxiety and uncertainty. As I heard Tom speak I was swiftly motivated, I saw myself in just a few years. Here is someone the same age, similar background, similar circumstance, and look at how far he was able to thrive. Every word was utterly relatable and an affirmation to continue on my entrepreneur journey and make bold decisions. We all learned keys qualities to Tom’s success — Grit, determination, an open mind, self-awareness, and self-built confidence.

What We Learned From Toms Interview

The most important quote came directly from Toms himself.

“There isn’t a blueprint to life, entrepreneurship, or success. You have to create this for yourself. You can’t be afraid to take a risk and you can’t be afriad to fail.”

Being bold and taking risk in life go hand and hand. It’s imperative to know what you want, find the right people that will help you get there, and stick close. As I always like to say,

Be comfortable with being uncomfortable.

Tom did exactly that. Yes, he did read entrepreneur books, self-improvement books, and found a mentor. Yet, what was key to his successes was not to follow any specific path, instead, in the most literal case, he put himself amongst people who were experts and knowledgeable in the real estate, property management, and buying/selling.

Personally, as an entrepreneur, my main frustrations in life the past 1–2 years have been the lack of support from family/friends and at times wondering if I was the only one who felt alone and without anyone to lean on. It was quite the surprise when Tom expressed he went through the same experiences. Family members not understanding his vision, sacrificing love life and lacking close friendships it to pursue his goals — all to whom at the time might have seemed ridiculous to everyone. He was laser-focused on learning as much as he could, giving of himself, and doing whatever was needed to reach his goals and ultimately his vision of what he wanted in life free of distractions.

Key Take-Aways

  • Be bold, take an uncomfortable leap.
  • Surround yourself with those who will help you reach your vision and goals.
  • When you fail, it's ok, embrace it, learn from it. Move on.
  • We are a new generation creating new opportunities for ourselves. Others may not understand, and that's ok.

Being bold and going where you will thrive to doesn't always have to mean, seeking Silicon Valley. Instead, perhaps start by surrounding yourself around people who have knowledge and resources you need access to or shadow someone who has successfully walked your path. There’s nothing at the end of the road except success.

