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12 Things You Can Do to Advance Your Startup While Maintaining Your Day Job

And answering the question “When is the right time to quit”?

Jonathan Woahn
Published in
9 min readNov 16, 2020


The idea for my first business came to me in January of 2014. I was working with my 6th manufacturing client at McKinsey, and realized the fundamental behaviors driving the problem we were there to solve mirrored the previous 5 companies almost to the “t”.

My engineering brain went into overdrive, and I began thinking of what a technology platform would look like that could both address and improve those behaviors.

As the idea took shape in my brain, I pitched it to 2–3 friends at the client and received extremely positive feedback. This feedback was enough that I immediately decided I should pursue the idea full time. I considered those few conversations the full extent of my market research.

I’d never started a business before, but I knew 2 things. First, I knew it was hard, and second, I knew it took all of one's time/attention to pursue. Thus, I began plotting my exit from McKinsey.

Without any declared goals or specific milestones to hit first, I determined at that moment I would leave McKinsey in 12 months. In 1 year, I would quit my job, and go full time — which in my mind, going full time was the only way to…



Jonathan Woahn
Startup Grind

Founder Coach & Startup Advisor. Husband. Father. 4X startups. Entrepreneurship, web3, leadership, and self-actualization enthusiast.