5 Benefits of Hiring Freelancers to Help You Out

As you grow your business, you will need to rely on many capabilities, which you may not have within your firm. But what happens if it is only you and a few employees? Your budget probably doesn’t allow for hiring a professional for each of your many needs.

Pamela Ayuso
Startup Grind


This is where freelancers come in. They can truly be lifesavers for a small firm. Expert freelancers exist who specialize in any thing you can imagine. They can work with your firm on a short-term, contract or ad-hoc basis, helping to solve your current (and future) problems.

The Benefits of Hiring a Freelancer

Every company is different, and each one has different needs. Freelancers can help your firm in many ways. These are some of the benefits of hiring freelancers I have found at our company.

1. Save time. Let’s face it–days go quick, and things can not wait around. With the help of freelancers, you will be able to get the work done when it needs to be done, not when you get around to researching the topic on the web. I have spent days looking around for an answer and then spent a few more hours trying to figure it out through trial and error. If you do not have time for that, you can simply go online, post a job and get the problem solved.


2. Save money. Your time is extremely valuable. Moreover, a specialist in graphic design or web development can perform a job more economically than someone who has never had that experience before. It will cost you far less to hire an expert than to try to do it yourself.

Furthermore, some things simply need to get done quickly, like that projected cash flow schedule for your bank. If you and your team are busy with your regular responsibilities, someone will have to drop everything and get the projection to your bank. It will have a cost because something else will have to get pushed aside.

3. Fill temporary needs. There are certain types of work that are cyclical or provisional. The work does not usually merit hiring an additional person because it will probably be completed before the hiring process is done. Usually, the option is to reassign personnel to cover the assignment, but there will be a trade-off somewhere. Freelancers can come in to cover the shortage without sacrificing anything.

4. Solve unique problems. With the help of online platforms like Upwork, you can find help for obscure but important questions. For example, we recently implemented NetSuite at our firm. We needed help with one complicated script in the program. We were never going to figure it out ourselves. Using Upwork, we found someone to help us with that one script.


5. Grow relationships with experts. You can develop relationships with new allies for your firm so that you always have an answer when you need it. Perhaps the person you hire for your projected cash flows will then be able to do a financial model to help you calculate the return on your business.

Alternatively, the person who handled your email campaign has ideas on how your next one can be even more successful. Your newfound allies will help you grow in new and unexpected ways.

Start Working with Freelancers to Grow Your Business, Save Time & Money in this New Age

The world provides the means to connect with others in ways that were not possible even a decade ago. Use the technologies available to give your firm a boost. They will help you grow your team and range of expertise, allowing your firm to deliver a higher quality product in less time.

Have you ever worked with freelancers? How have they helped your company?



Pamela Ayuso
Startup Grind

CEO and Co-Founder at Celaque I Real Estate Development I Intelligent Business Design | Bestselling Author of Heptagram