5 Tips to Immediately Improve Your Website Conversion

Sarosha Imtiaz
Startup Grind
4 min readSep 6, 2016


Originally posted on Startup Grind

It can be difficult to get customers to your website, but nothing is worse than spending lots of time and effort only to realize that your customers aren’t converting!

Here are 5 simple ways your website can convert customers and ultimately make you more money:

1. Ditch the standard copy for buttons

You have less than 8 seconds to get a user’s attention. Don’t waste precious time with boring phrases like Download, Sign Up or Submit Now on your call to action (CTA) buttons. People see generic buttons around the web all the time, so your messaging needs to be concise and to the point. Be unique by using opt-in text that is specific to your brand and image. Offering limited time deals and invoking the fear of missing out are great tactics that can optimize your conversion rate.

2. Target the right traffic

Every person who visits your site is different, so why should everyone see the same CTA? Take a deep dive into your Google analytics to understand how to personalize based on gender, location, or even time of day. Have you noticed a certain user checked out a particular item multiple times? Try offering them a timely discount when you know they will convert!

3. Optimize for mobile platforms

Responsive design is the concept of making your website look great across all devices. With over half of the web navigating on mobile, it is becoming vital to have a site that loads fast and functions across all platforms. Make it easy for your users to navigate through your site and encourage them to take action by surfacing important information above the fold.

4. Talk to your customers

Give your customers an easy way to access you via a live chat. A recent study among web consumers found that 62% of people would be more likely to make a purchase if they had access to a sales representative to address their concerns. Don’t have the time to always be online? Try integrating with social platforms and use chat bots to lessen your workload.


When we say “test everything”, we mean everything. The only way to truly find what converts best for your site is to constantly test different copy, color, font and template variations. The seemingly easy task of choosing a right color for your CTA itself is actually a difficult challenge since each color can result in different user behavior. Try a splash of yellow to stimulate the mind or blue to invoke feelings of trust. Don’t believe us, just ask Google; they tested 47 different shades of blue to pick the one they use today. If designing and testing multiple versions seems too tedious, don’t worry because there are tools like AIVA to help!

Your turn: Have you seen any other conversion tactics that drive more sales?

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