A Free $10,000 Startup Course That Will Save At Least $10,000,000

🚀 Ch Daniel
Startup Grind
Published in
14 min readJun 20, 2019


Illustration: Maggie Chiang

Let’s shake hands on a deal.

I’ll number the main ideas with headers (big and bold text).

I know it’s a long article and time is limited. I’ll make the main ideas of each point in the list quoted. You’ll see it stand out from normal text.

If you’re in a hurry, skim through the list points, see what stands out for you and spend time on that.


On a global scale, we’re drowning in information — and every day it gets “worse”.

Everything out there, it seems, is fighting for our attention coins.

Let me define that term.

Attention Coins

/əˈtɛnʃən kɔɪnz/

Meaning: A way to metaphorically quantify a person’s limited attention span.

Every second, products fight to get as much of our attention coins as possible. An advert that we overlook in a feed takes very little of our attention coins. If we are to scroll back to have a double look, that moves our attention-coin spend from “very low” to “low”.

Attention coins cost. The bigger an advert banner is, the more it will cost — but the more of a chance it will have for our attention coins.

