Apple’s Headphone Jack News as Told By ‘Boy Meets World’ GIF’s

Adam Marx
Startup Grind
Published in
3 min readSep 8, 2016

Yesterday, Apple dropped the bombshell that’s been proving quite divisive: it’s getting rid of the 3.5mm headphone jack on the forthcoming iPhone 7.

Reactions have been mixed so far, though I guess we’ll just have to see how it pans out.

For me, though, I don’t handle change well. I suppose I’m getting to the “hey you kids, get off my lawn!” part of 25.

As such, I thought it only poetic to process the news as only the ’90s kid in me can: through Boy Meets World gifs.

I have no shame. Let’s begin:

Countdown to Extinction

When you first heard the rumors

Your second thought at losing your jack

Arguing with your Pro-jack and Anti-jack friends

When the rumors started adding up

When your non-tech enthusiast friends called you obsessed

Zero Hour

When the new JACKLESS iPhone 7 is unveiled

As it begins to sink in a bit

Your immediate reaction when you realize the rumors are true

Your friends who can’t handle it

Your one friend who took this a little too seriously

When your Apply loyalist friend chimes in

Your anti-jack friend who finally goes to the pro-jack Dark Side


When it’s all over and the dust settles

When everyone’s mostly just over all the internet outrage

And now, from Apple…

Find me on Twitter @adammarx13 and let’s talk music, tech, and business!

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Adam Marx
Startup Grind

🎙️ Founder & Keynote Speaker @Zero2OneNetwork 🚀 | I Help You Build Massive Networks 📈 | Consultant, Advisor, & Coach 😎 | Published @crunchbase + more✍️