“That Won’t Work In OUR Market”

Plus, Other Special Snowflake Memes

Nabeel Azeez
Startup Grind


Got this reply to one of our automated emails the other day:

“I wonder if these strategic emails are gonna work in this market. I tried them before, was okay to response.” [sic]

If I had a dirham for every time an old-school marketer said that I’d be able to retire.

There are a bunch of problems with this kind of thinking and basically, any argument or train of thought summarized as “I’m a special snowflake so that won’t work for me.”

I’m going to try to list them in this post and see how far we get.

Get on the prelaunch list for my new book, Dragon Energy: The Tao Of Personal Branding http://dragonenergy.me

1. My market is different so X strategy/tactic won’t work.


A market is made up of people. And people haven’t changed in tens of thousands of years.

Human psychology remains the same. The core drivers of human behavior remain the same.

Therefore, the fundamentals of marketing still work and will continue to work on everyone. For example, if you want to sell something to men, you sell them on one of the 3-Ws.

Women, wallet, waistline.

2. This might turn off some people.

You’re damn right it will…I WANT IT TO.

I want it to turn off the 95 percent of people who aren’t a good fit and focus on the 5 percent who are my ideal customers.

^^By the way, just because that 95 percent aren’t my people, doesn’t mean they aren’t someone else’s. Abundance mentality, people!^^

3. I tried it and it didn’t work.

Maybe the copywriter was a n00b. Maybe they didn’t implement the automation correctly. Maybe they went out and bought a trash list instead of getting qualified subscribers the right way.

In any case, their failures aren’t ours. Those automated emails have open rates of 40–60 percent and click-through rates of 6–11 percent.

4. This is how we’ve always done it.

If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got. — Old-time motivational quote

This doesn’t mean much in an environment where we still sell door-to-door and businesses are lighting millions of dirhams a year on fire buying billboards.

I’m SO GLAD we’re not doing it their way.

5. Well, I don’t like it and I’m going to tell you as much.

Hate and love are the same emotion in the eyes of a marketer. The fact our interlocutor took the time to reply at all, means the marketing worked.

The worst-case, epic fail scenario is when people don’t care at all.

You want 4s and 5s, and 1s and 2s; never, ever a 3.


As a marketer, you must understand the fundamentals of human behavior (i.e. buyer psychology) don’t change.

So, even though you must continually evolve and adapt to new technologies and marketing channels, your core strategy will always be based on these fundamentals.

And rule #1 is: people buy from other people.

Get on the prelaunch list for my new book, Dragon Energy: The Tao Of Personal Branding http://dragonenergy.me

Originally published at blog.ubrik.com.



Nabeel Azeez
Startup Grind

Direct Response Copywriter • 1–0–1 White Collar Boxer • Email Marketing Agency @dropkickcopy • Lifestyle brand @beamuslimman • For more about me nabeelazeez.com