How Do You Make a Coherent Instagram Feed?

Do you often find yourself stumbling upon someone’s Instagram account and wondering how in the world they managed to create such a stunning feed?

Carel van Apeldoorn
Startup Grind


By Editor: Nympha Richardson

It happens to us all the time. While it may seem complicated to create one yourself, it really doesn’t have to be! There are a few things to keep in mind and tips and tricks to use that’ll make sure you are just as capable of creating a coherent Instagram feed yourself. Let’s get started!

Choose a Theme

First, ask yourself this: what is your reason for being? While this may seem like more of an existential question, it also happens to be a relevant one when it comes to your Instagram feed.

If you want to create a feed with posts that fit well together, it makes sense that the content you put up relates to each other in some way. So, sit down and ponder a bit: What motivated you to make your account in the first place? What are the interests of the people you want to follow you?

As a brand, you need to be aware of who you’re trying to reach and what kind of content would be the most attractive to them.

Once you find out what it is you really want to share with your followers, consider this your theme. This will ensure you always stay on track with your posts, even if you post about a variety of things!

While it’s totally fine to have a very precise account posting only cat photography, or travel photos, it’s also a-okay to post about different things. This is especially true for a personal brand.

Your theme is in place to make sure that your followers know what to expect from you. Take a page from entrepreneur Aranka van der Voorden’s ( book on visualizing your Instagram theme.

She shared her theme plan in a handy (Dutch) blog about building a personal brand Instagram account that we want to share with you now. See how much variety you can have, while still maintaining consistent content in your feed?

Draw up a plan like this one to identify your theme and how you will stick to it!

Decide on Your Color “Palette”

Deciding on what you want to post is the first step in getting your Instagram to have one big style. Not to be forgotten is the color you have going on in your feed.

Having a set amount of colors that appear in your posts ensures that there’s a sort of string tying everything together and making your feed stand out from the rest. It’s basically your logo!

If you decide on bright photos with lots of light and neutral colors, stick to it in all your posts. The same goes if darker colors work better for your brand.

Doing this simple step will go a long way in making your feed appear organized and professional.

Besides the color palette, another important point to keep in mind is how you edit and filter your photos. If you are a bit more advanced in photo editing, then it will pay off to decide in advance on the amount of exposure, saturation or hues you would use in all your posts.

Next, find the filter you love and use it all the time. Apps like VSCO and Snapseed are perfect for this, offering you a bunch of really cool filters to choose from.

Having multiple filters popping up in your feed can make your feed look really irregular. So go for consistency! Using the same editing techniques and/or filter will bring your feed to the level where it has to be.

Plan in Advance: As Far As You Can Go!

Gorgeous Instagram feeds don’t just pop out of thin air with users posting a picture the same day that they took it. In reality, most everything is planned out.

If you do it any other way, there’s simply no chance of maintaining a quality feed in the long run. So think ahead and plan accordingly. What’s of course handy is having a good planner that you can use to help make this process easier for you.

We took this into consideration when coming up with Preppr. Besides a clear content calendar, the app even allows you to add new photos, and see how it will affect your feed prior to posting.

You can even drag and drop, so you see exactly what order you should post to keep your feed as cohesive as possible.

Getting to foresee how things will change your feed before you post will save you some headache. If you’ve ever had to delete an image after posting because it totally threw off your entire feed, you know what we mean …ain’t nobody got time for that.

So, save yourself some pains and plan your posts in advance so you know what’s coming.

Keep Your Tone of Voice Steady

Taking control of these all the points we talked about already will help you to create that stunning feed you’ve always wanted. We encourage you to be patient with yourself as you develop your style over time.

It’s totally fine to try out different things till you find the magic formula that results in the vibe that works best for your brand!

While your visuals will go far in making your feed coherent, you shouldn’t forget your captions and your bio! Your captions should reflect the same consistency as your visuals do, so be sure to use the same tone of voice when you write them.

The easiest way to go about this is to be authentic with it. That way it’s less of a performance and comes more naturally, it’s much easier then to maintain over time.

Your biography should also immediately tell followers what kind of posts they can expect from you. Make a statement here about who you are and what you post.

Remember all that soul searching to figure out your theme? Channel some of that and put it into your bio.

We hope our tips will help you create a coherent and stunning feed! Now it’s time to put it into practice and start your 30-day free trial!



Carel van Apeldoorn
Startup Grind

CEO @ - husband & daddy - entrepreneur - continuous learner - living in China - loves photography, traveling and food - 🇳🇱.