student entrepreneur competition EO GSEA

How One Student Entrepreneur Won $10,000 During 2020 Startup Grind

Entrepreneurs' Organization (EO)
Startup Grind


More than 30 “studentpreneurs” competed to win the US National Finals of EO’s Global Student Entrepreneur Awards at Startup Grind 2020.

Who is the future of entrepreneurship, and how do we best support that population? These are issues that both Startup Grind and Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO) are highly engaged with and committed to.

That mutual commitment is one reason why EO provided attendees of 2020 Startup Grind with a unique opportunity: Witnessing the US National Finals of EO’s 2020 Global Student Entrepreneur Awards (GSEA) competition.

What is EO GSEA?

EO GSEA is the premier global competition for university students who run their own businesses. It’s a global competition that attracts more than 2,000 prominent student entrepreneurs worldwide each year. The competition culminates in the Global Finals, where studentpreneurs from more than 50 countries will compete for the title of Global Champion plus $25,000.

The 2020 GSEA Global Finals competition will take place virtually, beginning with the Semi-Final Round on June 18. Global Finalists will be announced on July 21. The Final Round of the competition, where the top seven student finalists present to a panel of judges, will be open to the public and live-streamed on Facebook on July 30, 2020.

This year marks the first time that GSEA’s US National Finals were held during Startup Grind, among like-minded audience members who could gain inspiration from the student competitors’ presentations about their businesses.

Why did EO host the US National GSEA competition at Startup Grind?

“Holding the GSEA US National Finals at Startup Grind brought palpable energy to the event. Being around other entrepreneurs always inspires and raises everyone around you to a new level,” says David Robinson, founder of The Lotis Group and a GSEA US National Finals judge from EO Western New York.

During this year’s US National Finals, Startup Grind attendees got an opportunity to see more than 30 finalists present their company, business model and entrepreneurial spirit onstage, followed by questions from the judges. The judges — many of which are EO members from the organization’s chapters around the country — look for students who exhibit exceptional entrepreneurial skills and have created companies that make a difference in the world and will be viable and sustainable for the foreseeable future.

They also look for companies that reflect EO’s core values: Trust and respect, Thirst for learning, Boldly Go!, Make a Mark and Cool.

How do GSEA judges evaluate the student competitors?

GSEA isn’t just about the success of a company — it’s about the drive of the entrepreneur behind it.

“It’s true that GSEA focuses on the drive, spirit and tenacity of the entrepreneur. We look at the mindset of the competitor, the ability to overcome challenges and press forward. We also look at the competitor’s creative thinking and ability to find opportunities in situations others may not see,” explains Adrienne Palmer, EO Dallas member and GSEA Final Round judge.

“More than half of the weighted criteria focus on the competitors’ inner drive and entrepreneurial spirit, and alignment with EO values,” Palmer, founder of Insite, continues. “Of course, possessing the business acumen to create a sustainable business is critical. I evaluate that as the competitors articulate their business model and scaling plan. I also want to see the positive impact the entrepreneur, and their business, could make in the world.”

Supporting the next generation of entrepreneurs

The 2020 US GSEA National Finalist is Mandeep Patel and his company, ElecTrip, which offers a city-to-city electric vehicle service within Texas. Mandeep earned $10,000 in prize winnings from the US National GSEA competition. Second place went to Brian Hoang, founder of SURVIVR, who received $5,000 and third place went to Sarah Pomeranz, founder of Sulis, who received $2,500.

“Positioning the US National GSEA Finals competition at Startup Grind provided an opportunity for others in the startup and entrepreneurial community to understand the powerful businesses coming from university students and to demonstrate EO’s support for the next generation of entrepreneurs,” says Palmer. “After the competition, several Startup Grind attendees asked me how the students were chosen to present on the ‘big stage’ at Startup Grind. They were very curious to learn more about the GSEA competition.”

The 2019 GSEA global champion weighs In

Among the GSEA judges was one with first-hand knowledge of being on the GSEA competition stage competing against other talented studentpreneurs: Daniela Blanco was the 2019 GSEA Global Champion and co-founder of Sunthetics (pictured above).

“I found being in the judges’ seat to be less stressful, but just as exciting as competing! It was an incredible opportunity to engage with the student competitors and ask questions that help them elaborate on important aspects of their entrepreneurial journey,” Blanco explains.

“I was deeply moved by the authenticity of the contestants and their determination to leave a mark. I was looking for entrepreneurs with meaningful missions and a dream crazy enough to change the world.”

Could you be the next GSEA champion?

The GSEA competition began in 1998. It grows larger and more impactful each year, with a greater magnitude of problems being solved, more effective business solutions, and greater tenacity and passion of the student entrepreneurs.

“It’s rewarding to judge this competition and literally see the future of our world right in front of you and be inspired by what these amazing students are doing to change it,” Robinson says.

“I’m amazed by how much better the competition gets each year — it attracts some of the brightest student entrepreneurs in the world.”

Students who are interested in competing in the 2021 GSEA competition won’t regret it.

“If you’re a student running a business, GSEA is a must-do. The competition gives student entrepreneurs access to some of the most successful entrepreneurs in the world — EO members. It also empowers you to form a new support network with the other student competitors. That’s a priceless experience for any young entrepreneur,” says Robinson.

Blanco, the 2019 GSEA Global Champion, concurs, “GSEA is a life-changing experience at a very high level of competition. It gives you the opportunity to be heard and share your story with an audience that will cherish it. GSEA gives you the best mentors, network, and tools to succeed as an entrepreneur.”

If you’re a student entrepreneur with the drive and tenacity to run your own company while attending university full-time, apply to compete in the 2021 GSEA competition. Local competitions will begin in Fall 2020. And who knows? Maybe next year you’ll be one of the student entrepreneurs competing in the US National Finals on the big stage at Startup Grind 2021.

Be sure to watch the 2020 EO GSEA Global Finals live-stream on Facebook on July 30, 2020.



Entrepreneurs' Organization (EO)
Startup Grind

EO is a global network exclusively for entrepreneurs. At EO, we believe in the power of entrepreneurship to transform the human story.