27 Battles of Business

Anisha Aditya
Startup Grind
Published in
3 min readMay 13, 2018


I will use no jargons, and telltales, rather speak on the real truth of business. These are norms of business, which I’ll 500 per cent carry forward with myself, as I’m building ahead, both my journey, and the company. None of these, will I forget (or at some instances forgive), and will forever apply in every step of business.

Here’s to the Partner

  1. Choose your partners right. Yes, there should be complementary skill sets, a clear vision, working capacity, knowledge, but most importantly shared values. If he is out of values, he is out of the team. Do not compromise on values.
  2. Associate with the right business partners. There are different categories of businessmen in this world. Choose your league. The league you choose is your platform. Remember economies of scale? Choose your economy.
  3. You might be cheated. Don’t spend your life sulking. Remember the macro milestones.
  4. Get every nail in place before entering in a partnership. Get them validated by a professional.
  5. People spoke about sustenance and scalability. We missed out on something - survival. Will you survive? Validate your idea as per market norms. Avengers won’t come alive any time soon.
  6. People will leave. Let go.

The Micro Milestones

  1. There are macro milestones, and there are micro milestones. Meet every micro milestone. Do not rush in this journey. You will crash every time you miss a milestone. Brick by brick.
  2. Stick to a plan and stick to it for a long period of time. In business, it is easy to get distracted. Don’t. Remember the macro milestones. Chase the micro ones.

You Will Need To Protect Yourself

  1. These 3 things will protect you in business: Capital, Network, and Law.
  2. You’ll learn about your true friends during battles.
  3. Do not immediately aim for the kill.
  4. If you aim for the kill, then crush the enemy completely.
  5. Be cautious while making friends in business.
  6. Be the badass. But be the good kinda badass. Don’t give up on yourself, in this chase.

Notes Before Taking Off

  1. Fail fast.
  2. Build a Brand. Especially, if you are in the B2C industry.
  3. You’re pricing creates perception. Think about it.
  4. Hire people with aggression.
  5. Don’t let problems get to your head.
  6. Identify your core strengths. Build on this.

Secrets Of Strength

  1. Remain a rebel. It’s okay. However, protect the rebel, and control her. Don’t let her takeover you.
  2. Learn to care less about things which don’t matter.
  3. Gain work experience of your industry.
  4. Make friends in the industry. Build a network.
  5. Remember your roots. Do not cut threads. The sooner you do, you’ll fall on a place without roots.
  6. Keep a playlist, with all your favourite tracks. You’re going to need it.
  7. You’ll have to dare to be alone.

