#iLookLikeAnEngineer: One Year Later

Isis Anchalee
Startup Grind
Published in
4 min readAug 3, 2016

Today I have all the feels.

A year and some change ago I was asked to participate in a BART station recruiting campaign as a software engineer for OneLogin…

Today in particular, marks the exact date one year ago when I shared the tweet that gave birth to #iLookLikeAnEngineer. Never in a million years would I have guessed that one year later people would still be proudly sharing the hashtag and using it as a source for building community.

Because it developed a life of its own, I’m not even aware of the entirety of the extent that it has reached(while Googling I even saw an #iLookLikeAnEngineer event in Munich Germany etc.).

So, I’d like to share some of the highlights that have been very special to me:

  • Including Scott Kelly in space:
  • And The White House:
  • When Goldieblox created this Fast-Forward Girls 2015 video:
  • When Twitter threw an #iLookLikeAnEngineer event to kick off the Twitter Flight Developer Conference:
  • That time they asked me to speak on the main stage at GHC 2016 in front of 6k people:
  • When I was interviewed by Google’s Made With Code:
  • When I got to speak at NASA and saw posters of my face there :O :O **giggles like school girl**

When #iLookLikeAnEngineer made it into Google’s Year in Search compilation: https://goo.gl/sABDfy

  • When this happened, because Emma Watson & The UN:
  • When multiple people have reached out to me and expressing that the #iLookLikeAnEngineer movement gave them the confidence that they needed to change careers and pursue learning how to code. (like this sweet lady)
  • Then when TeeSpring came out with(and was profiting off of)this line of horribly tone-deaf shirts without anyone’s permission:
  • And finally(my favorite part) when I got to meet some of the most amazing people I’ve ever met in my life, like this amazing human right here and the rest of our Mind Makers team:

This list doesn’t even come close to covering all of the wonderful facets of #iLookLikeAnEngineer, & I’d love to hear your story.

I am endlessly grateful to have been able to be a voice in this conversation for those who feel that they need to sacrifice pieces of their identity to be treated with respect. Some of the conversations that I have had with you after speaking at events have forever touched my heart. The stories that I’ve heard, and the tears that I have seen shed. You are not alone. The system is pretty shitty sometimes, but it takes effort from all of us to make it better.

I will continue speaking up. Embodying the principle that anyone(yes anyone;)) can be femme as **** and still kick ass at what they do.

Because #iLookLikeAnEngineer, and so do you :)

P.S I’m now a software engineer under the Driver Engagement umbrella at Uber and my team is hiring. If you’re interested in solving some really interesting challenges with some really passionate/smart/kind humans, send me a resume/cover letter and what position you’re interested in at isis@ilooklikeanengineer.com!

Xo, Isis Anchalee

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Isis Anchalee
Startup Grind

My non-appropriating-spirit-organism is a mix between Yoda and a dolphin.