I’m not a developer, and I just published my first Chrome extension [DEC 2018 UPDATE: 6000 users!]

Marc Hoag
Startup Grind
Published in
6 min readNov 4, 2016


[UPDATE: As of December 2018, HashTest now has over 6,000 weekly users and maintains a 4.1-star rating. Woohoo!]

Weekly Users, as of December 2018

It took me about 22 hours, minus six for sleep, but I finally did it. My adventure started at four in the afternoon at a local cafe about two weeks ago (this one, in case you’re curious; yes, the one from which the Pope recently ordered bread for his private plane when visiting the US) and by about two the next afternoon, my first ever Chrome extension was live on the Chrome Web Store.

As of today, it has either 20 or 27 installations, depending on whether I trust the Web Store counter or my Developer Stats. Oh, and it’s got a solid 5-star rating, with three reviews, all from friends. Oh yeah.

The last time I felt this level of nerded out giddy excitement was when I’d built my first web page to take advantage of HTML frames back in the mid-90s for Netscape 2.0; and later, when I…

