It’s a Jungle Out There with Unlimited Opportunities

Life is inherently messy. Relationships, events, and opportunities change every day. The points of reference one may have one day may greatly differ the next.

Pamela Ayuso
Startup Grind


As human beings, however, we crave control and continuity. We want to believe things are fixed, but they are not. Life keeps changing: people move away, businesses shut down, cities evolve, and new regulations are put into effect. Demands fluctuate, and expectations change.

However, this is not necessarily a bad thing. The constant change can also provide an opening where a firm can stand out in comparison to competitors, and even provide areas for growth.

Opportunities are Everywhere

Running a business means constantly taking stock of its surroundings and making decisions based on what is happening around. The current environment can represent an opportunity because everyone else is dealing with the same uncertainty.


The Firm as an Oasis

Making sense of the mess in the best possible way can be a competitive advantage in, and of, itself. We feel things constantly shifting, and on some level, we seek order as a respite. This is why customers are attracted to organizations which operate well inside of constant changes.

By making your firm an oasis where people are welcome and know they will get what they need, you make your business stand out to your customers.

How can you make your firm feel like a haven to your clients? Here are some helpful cues:

  • Predictable, consistent communication as a firm
  • Coherent branding in your office, website, and promotional products
  • Kind, friendly, genuine customer service
  • Guaranteed products and delivery

Customers will be instinctively attracted to a firm that provides consistency and order.

Operational Excellence

Operational excellence within your bit of jungle can also be a source of growth. If you figure out ways to smoothly run the business within your industry, the firm can be the operational leader, which gives you an edge over competitors.

Because your competitors are dealing with the same uncertainty and problems, how well you consistently solve and institutionalize them can provide a boost over time. Superior human resources, recruiting programs, great systems/processes, and an overall culture of growth can come from operational excellence. This will translate into better products and higher returns over time.


New Business Ideas

Are you looking for a new business opportunity? They are all around us. New spaces for solutions are being created all the time with the constant disruptions in our environment.

One way to identify new openings is to locate areas which haven’t yet been organized for customers and then find a way to package and sell them. Study the fringes of your industry in newly developing areas to find additional avenues for growth.

Don’t be discouraged when you face new knots and messes. They will always be there, but how they are viewed is what makes a difference. At a minimum, problems can represent a chance to sharpen your operational machinery. The jungle is an opportunity where growth is just around the corner.

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Pamela Ayuso
Startup Grind

CEO and Co-Founder at Celaque I Real Estate Development I Intelligent Business Design | Bestselling Author of Heptagram