Millennial Makes it Rain in Club, Venmo’s Those Nearby $1

Mahir Shah
Startup Grind
Published in
2 min readJul 11, 2016

SAN FRANCISCO — Luke Deangelo, 23, was partying at a popular San Francisco club Friday night, when he attempted to “make it rain” by Venmo’ing those nearby $1.

Club-goers at the scene say they saw Deangelo asking people nearby what their Venmo username was.

“This guy came up to me and said he wanted to make it rain in the club, so I was like go ahead. But then he said he didn’t have any cash and started asking me if I prefer Venmo or PayPal,” explained Maria Hester, 22.

Hester continued to explain that Deangelo accidentally Vemoed her $100 at first, and then requested $99 back with the caption “Oops, sorry, please <confetti emoji><crying emoji>.”

Upon further questioning, Deangelo described that he was prepared to make it rain though a variety of means. “I was ready with Venmo, PayPal, Apple Pay, Android Pay, Samsung Pay, and even SnapCash.”

Others at the scene, say Deangelo forced them to download Venmo even if they did not have enough space on their phone.

“He made me delete photos of my children,” remarked Chase Young, a club-goer that received $1 from Deangelo.

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Mahir Shah
Startup Grind

Tech. Comedy. Work. Period-Delimited Descriptions.