Startup Spotlight Q&A: Didimo Inc

The Startup Grind Team
Startup Grind
6 min readMay 25, 2021


Didimo is the world’s leading provider of automated solutions for the generation of digital humans. Didimo is democratizing the creation of bespoke avatars and improving the humanity of our future digital interactions. Until now, the creation of high-quality 3D characters was extremely expensive, time-consuming, and limited. Didimo opens this potential to everyone, delivering the most lifelike, customizable 3D avatars in the market.

We are proud that our platform delivers the most lifelike, customizable 3D avatars in the market. Our platform services the demand for more emotion in our digitally connected world, enabling deeper human connection and more expressive digital experiences.

For over 15 years, Verónica Orvalho has been a global leader in the research and development of facial technology and the application of that technology to help people communicate and connect more authentically. Seeing firsthand how transformational effective human digital engagement can be, Veronica created Didimo, with the focus to make the digital world more human. She has pioneered the technology to generate high-fidelity digital humans — fully animatable, at scale, and run-time. Her inventions have been used by Universal Studios, Sony, Microsoft, and Amazon.

— In a single sentence, what does Didimo do?

Didimo creates 3D, animatable, high-fidelity digital human avatars from a single 2D photos or selfies at scale and at runtime.

– How did Didimo come to be? What was the problem you found and the ‘aha’ moment?

Didimo was founded in 2016, after many years of research and development. Very early on while researching computer graphics and interfaces, Veronica noticed that a 3D avatar provided an unusually effective way for a father and his autistic son to communicate with each other. So effective, that the father asked to keep the iPad and avatar after the initial research so that he and his son could continue to communicate and build their relationship. This insight led Veronica to consider how others could benefit from this technology and how 3D digital humans might make the digital world more…human. Could we actually be more authentically, more emotionally, more intelligently ourselves in digital spaces if we were not separated by a screen but actually become the interface, just like we are in real life. That insight and motivation gave rise to deep computer graphics and AI development to create a pipeline that allows anyone to generate their own digital double, their own didimo. (didimo means twin in Greek.)

— What sets Didimo apart in the market?

We create high-quality, life-like digital humans in less than 90 seconds, from a photo. The Didimo platform is an automated solution, allowing us a unique and largely unchallenged position. The process allows us to generate characters at scale at a price-point that is commercially viable.

Our Cloud services and API mean we are an integration solution that can form a unique offer to an existing product or game. Our Didimo API is compatible with all the major 3D engines and web platforms.

We have a proprietary and patented pipeline that consolidates multiple functions required for creating life-like and animatable digital humans. We can do this at scale, speed, and cost-efficiency, making this new digital interface technology accessible to everyone. We have a deeply experienced executive team and a mid-level leadership team that knows how to scale a business globally. We have traction and support from some of the most important players in the industry.

Customers are excited by a turnkey solution that allows them to make their digital experiences more engaging and relevant by empowering their consumers to engage as themselves. Virtual fashion try-ons, game experiences, communication/collaboration, and chatbots all become exponentially more effective and enjoyable when you are at the center rather than a fictitious avatar.

— What milestone are you most proud of so far?

Every day is exciting…we’re a startup! Seeing our technological progress and earning patents for our unique solutions is incredibly energizing. Seeing customers get excited when they see how didimos transform their business and relationship with their consumers. And working every day with talented, passionate, caring people. All of that makes this journey worth it.

— Have you pursued funding and if so, what steps did you take?

Yes. We are planning our Series A investment round for late 2021. To date, we have successfully raised initial funding, including equity in Convertible Notes totaling $6.6m plus $2.0m EU Grants to a total of $8.6m.

– What KPIs are you tracking that you think will lead to revenue generation/growth?

  • Team Size
  • Average reach on social media
  • Main app/solution downloads
  • Average revenue growth %
  • Monthly Active Users (MAU)
  • Customer retention rate
  • Revenue
  • New registration per month
  • MAU
  • Engagement (# didimos/MAU)

— What are the biggest challenges for the team?

Delivering a complex product where the whole company is working towards that one product. It requires constant communication and alignment to ensure we remain unified and efficient in reaching our milestones. We continue to put great energy and attention into building our team as a team, sharing and living our values so that we trust each other, trust who we are as a team, and remain energized by our mission and confident in our ability to deliver big things.

Additionally, we face the challenge of creating a product that is very new and unique. Few people are aware of the importance and impact that digital humans will have and how unique the technology is that we are building. Often, our prospective customers do not even know this technology exists or how it can transform their business. So we are continually educating and inspiring and helping the industry to grow to bring the understanding of what we are building and how it can be best used.

— What’s been the biggest success for the team? How did you celebrate?

There is no such thing as “one big win”. It is the little things that we conquer every day that add up to something incredible. We stay focused on what we can do, what we can learn, what we can improve right now.

But we do celebrate the milestones that our team achieves through their constant hard work. For example, when Didimo was accepted to Techstars or when we signed Sony as a client or being selected for an EU project grant. The first time we got our pipeline to work automatically. In moments like this, we get ice cream and appreciate how far we have come.

And of course, we celebrate when we are all together. We have staff in multiple countries, so when we are all together, we make it really special.

— What’s something you’re constantly thinking about?

I am always thinking about how I can become better (in every sense, as a person, technically…. at anything I do) with the goal of making life better for those around me.

— What advice would you give to other founders?

From my godmother when I turned 15 years old… In life, there will always be problems. They all have a beginning and an end. The secret is how you live your life while they last. You can spend your time complaining about them or just realize they are there and still decide to be grateful

— Have you been or are you part of a corporate startup program or accelerator? If so, which ones and what have been the benefits?

InvestHorizon, EU Horizon 2020, Startup Grind 2021. All have been hugely helpful. The EU Horizon 2020 program has provided strong mentoring and financial support to develop a really unique deep tech solution. The InvestHorizon program was invaluable in learning how to refine our focus, story, and pitch. Startup Grind was great for practicing our pitch, gaining guidance from the leaders, and then networking with exceptional startups and talent.



The Startup Grind Team
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