Startup Spotlight Q&A: SeedLegals

At SeedLegals, we make it super easy for startups to raise investment and manage company equity — all at a fraction of the cost of traditional service providers. No paper. No law firms. No accountants.

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— In a sentence, what does your company do?

SeedLegals generates the end to end legals for founders in their fundraising journey. We support them every step of the way with access to a committed team and deal data from thousands of previous rounds.

— What makes your company/product different in this market?

We go beyond the funding round legals. Our integrated Cap Table, and automated EMI Option Schemes allow us to act as the Operating system of any company.

— Describe how and when your company came to be. In other words, what was the problem you found and the ‘aha’ moment?

SeedLegals founders met at a party in Rome. Anthony being a serial entrepreneur, and Laurent Laffy a serial investor, they’d both experienced the time and financial cost of funding rounds, from opposite sides of the table. There and then, they decided to change it.

— What milestone are you most proud of so far?

Within 2.5 years of launching, our platform has helped more entrepreneurs close investment than any single law firm or crowdfunding platform.

— What are people most excited by?

The rise of ‘borderless legals’ coming to life with our French launch in January 2020. An English investor can now lead with his Term Sheet, which will translate into the French equivalent over a single interface.

— Have you pursued funding and if so, what steps did you take?

We closed a Series A of $4 million with Index Ventures

— What KPIs are you tracking that you think will lead to revenue generation/growth?

What is my WHY? What problem am I solving?

— How do you build and develop talent?

We’ve created and implemented great on-boarding structures that develop each person’s skill, but integrate them into the company’s culture.

— How do you manage growth vs sustainability?

To maintain the quality and consistency of our work whilst growing rapidly, we hire accordingly with a smooth onboarding transition.

— What are the biggest challenges for the team?

1. Attracting international talent in the run-up to Brexit, and scaling our hiring processes concurrently to scaling our core business outputs.
2. Making company systems ready for scale.
3. Product: Widening our product offering to cater for any type of company at any stage of growth.

— What’s been the biggest success for the team?

We’ve been recognised as a legal tech pioneer across the market. So far we’ve been named the UKTN Fintech Startup of the Year, Best New Entrant to the Angel Market by UKBAA, Best Legal Team for Early Stage Deals Star by UKBAA 2019, Top 100 Disruptive Brands by Marketing Week and a TechNation’s Rising Star 2019, and Growth Investment Awards 2019 Industry Game Changer.

— What advice would you give to other founders?

Have a viable and MVP before you approach investors. Choose your investor wisely because most investor/founder relationships last longer than most marriages.

— Have you been or are you part of a corporate startup program or accelerator? If so, which ones and what have been the benefits?

Tech Nation Upscale 2019.



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