Startups Are Not Just Fun and Games: 6 Uncomfortable Truths You Can Learn From My Failure

6 uncomfortable truths I wish I knew before launching my first startup, and why the entrepreneurial life can be harsher than you think.

Luca Rossi
Startup Grind


It’s been 18 months since I launched my first startup. It didn’t take a long time to fail, though.

I found the experience valuable anyway because I’ve learned some lessons. And they are not the “common sense” lessons you can find on most *cough* Medium stories *cough*, but hard truths that made me question if I really wanted to be an entrepreneur.

Photo by Hunters Race on Unsplash

I pondered this a bit, then I realized that I still wanted to be one. But the entrepreneurial world sucks hard. In this story, I will show you the 6 lessons I have learned in the process. I will talk about my startup, but I won’t reveal its name, so I can keep the other co-founders anonymous (since we don’t really get along now, for reasons we will see in #5).

1. Your Awesome Idea Will Stop Being Awesome As Soon As You Start Asking Money for It



Luca Rossi
Startup Grind

I am not a duck. Anyone who tells you otherwise is either lying or selling something.