Dare you to say it. [Photo by Lauren Peng]

How To Create Powerful Brand Messaging: 5 Truths and a Framework

The goalpost is different for brand-led companies.

Jasmine Bina
15 min readJul 10, 2017


Decisions are 100% emotional.

That’s not hyperbole. It’s scientific fact. Without emotions, we’d have incredible difficulty choosing even the simplest of things, such as what to shoes to wear.

Neuroscientist Antonio Damasio discovered that fact a few years ago while studying patients with lesions in the area of the brain where emotions are generated. These were people with full control of their logical faculties, but unable to feel emotions.

Fascinatingly, they were normally functioning patients with one very notable exception:

They couldn’t make decisions.

The vast majority of decisions have benefits and drawbacks on both sides. Choosing between blue shoes and red shoes may involve some logic (the blue shoes are more comfortable, the red shoes look cleaner), but when it comes down to it, there’s no one prevailing logic that will get you to the final choice of which shoes to wear.

It takes a non-logical leap to get to the final point of decision-making, and you can’t get to that decision point without emotional input.



Jasmine Bina
Concept Bureau Insights

Cultural Futurist and Strategist. I'm the CEO of Concept Bureau (www.conceptbureau.com) and Co-Founder of Exposure Therapy (https://www.exposuretherapy.com/)