Strategic Networking and Event Engagement: Advice from the Trenches with Aziz Kaddan

Joshua Ness
Startup Grind
Published in
2 min readMar 26, 2024
Entrepreneurs of various backgrounds mingle with each other at a networking event.

There are a few things that startup founders wish they had in endless supply. Capital, for starters. Talented new hires also top the list.

One thing available in droves that we sometimes don’t think twice about is the opportunity to meet live and in person with fellow founders and entrepreneurial enthusiasts — in many cases, every night of the week.

Aziz Kaddan, the founder of Myndlift, brings a unique perspective to the entrepreneurial landscape, not only through his innovative startup, but also through his strategic approach to networking and event engagement.

In a candid conversation with Startup Grind New York City in November of 2023, Aziz shared valuable insights into his purposeful strategy when attending events. He emphasized quality over quantity, stating, “I usually minimize the amount of events that I go to unless there’s an event where I want to talk to the speaker or there’s an investor or founder that I want to talk to.

And he’s not alone. Famous founders like Gary Vaynerchuk and Alex Turnbull, as well as investors like Charlie O’Donnell have all lamented the overabundance of founder networking events — and the questionable returns on the investment of time spent.

Aziz’s approach extends beyond traditional networking and focuses on value creation, viewing events as platforms for refining his pitch and testing the reception of his ideas in the entrepreneurial space. He highlighted the importance of purposeful attendance, linking it to specific goals such as connecting with influential individuals or improving his pitching skills.

This strategic mindset underscores the transformative potential of events, positioning them as more than mere social gatherings, but as opportunities for growth and mentorship.

The theme of mentorship emerges strongly in Aziz’s narrative. He recounted attending an event with the specific intention of meeting someone who would later become his mentor and eventually a board member and investor in Myndlift.

This story serves as a testament to the potential impact of strategic networking, where meaningful connections formed at events can evolve into mentorship and even financial support for one’s entrepreneurial endeavors.

Aziz’s journey exemplifies the strategic utilization of events not only for networking but as crucial components in the entrepreneurial toolkit for growth, mentorship, and refining business strategies — but only if they are approached intentionally.



Joshua Ness
Startup Grind

I'm a Director of Emerging Technology and the Director at Startup Grind in New York City.