The dark power of negative thinking
If you’ve ever had an argument with your partner over them taking something you’ve said the wrong way, you’ve probably been like “how can they think that? That’s so negative”
Well, guess what
This is how so many of you act with your businesses because of your ego, naivety, pride, and all sorts of primitive baggage you carry around with you.
If you’ve ever done any of the following, you need to read this post:
- You talk badly of your customers
- You talk badly of your competitors and give them no respect
- You blame others for things going wrong
- You think something was “not your fault”
- You think paying for something e.g. a ticket for an event or info product is a “swindle” without examining what it can bring to your business
- You don’t trust potential partners and vendors
- You don’t treat every fan or follower with extreme respect
- You’ve ever posted something that can reasonably be construed as sexist online
All of the above are so avoidable
In business, we are all going to make a TONNE of mistakes, even with the best of our abilities:
- Links mysteriously break in emails
- Staff member has to quit suddenly
- We position or price a product wrong and it doesn’t sell
Making “unforced errors” as they say in Tennis let yourself down.
Throw in this box “making crass jokes in networking events” and general sloppiness.
One of the laws of power is “Think what you like, but keep your thoughts to yourself”.
I really like this.
Think about the words you say before you blurt them out.
Listen more than you speak especially around people who are smarter/more powerful/richer than you are.
People always get triggered when I use the above sentence, but if you can’t work out who has more power in a conversation, then your ego is right there blocking you.
If I’m around a growth hacking OG like Joseph Lazukin, you think I’m telling tour stories or showing off some growth hacks I’ve done recently?
Of course not. I’m quiet AF, learning as much as I can.
You might notice a theme here — Knowing yourself and taming your ego is critical in becoming a success.
With great responsibility comes great power — Everything is your fault. Own everything that happens and you can learn from it. Otherwise you’re just another voice blaming other people for not making it.
If there’s one area of life that you have to “grow up” in, I would say this is it.
Everything else won’t work if you can’t get your head around this basic self-awareness.
It is probably the only thing I’m “serious” about as it really sets the baseline for the quality of life you’ll lead.
Again, you need to climb into your own head and have a look around.
Take a deep breath before you speak.
Then go slay.
(place a gif in the comments if you liked this #vinception installment)