The Hidden Side No One Talks About at a Startup

It’s time to reveal the other side.

Hi Tiffany!



The moment this word hits people’s ears, they automatically think — flexible work schedule, a tight-knit team, a unified work culture, the unlimited opportunities for learning, the ability to grow a groundbreaking product from a raw idea.

Sounds like an enticing business to work for, doesn’t it?

Well, it totally sold me — after 3 1/2 years of sucking up to bosses, I’d finally quit my 9–5 job to join Rabbut. But to tell you the truth, it wasn’t just those fancy perks that steered me towards this career decision. The real deal-breaker for me was the opportunity to change people’s futures through the sweat of my hard work. Where I could actually see my imprint. Where I could bring my ideas and stories to those who want to be someone more.

And I have.

But the more I hustled and the longer I stayed with Rabbut, the more distressed I became. No, it’s not the burnouts (if you’re guessing that) but rather, it’s the loneliness.

The moment you work at a startup is the moment your whole mindset changes.



Hi Tiffany!

Walking through the second chapter of my life by asking: What can I do for the world? You’ll find the answer at