Kitesurfing the Misty Cliffs in South Africa. Shot by Ydwer van der Heide.

The Interchain Wave

I have been lucky enough to ride some incredible waves of technology. The short periods of time I spent at Stripe and Ethereum changed my life.

Richard Burton
Startup Grind
Published in
3 min readJun 4, 2017


At Stripe, I had the pleasure of seeing how the Collisons work. I got to see what attention to detail actually means. I saw what is possible when a team of incredible people get together to start building something that will never be finished.

At Ethereum, I was fascinated by Vitalik and Dr. Wood’s vision for a global supercomputer. I got to see them pull together a group of like-minded individuals to build the programmable blockchain.

I saw what happens when thousands of people make a little bit of money instead of a few people making billions.

At Balance, we think the next wave of technology is the Interchain. As the blockchain bubble expands, thousands of new protocols are being created and lots of new tokens are being issued.

It is reminiscent of the early days of the internet where technological idealism, experimentation, and huge amounts of capital came together to try lots of new things. The World Wide Web defined the standards for building and linking together the Internet.

We think something similar is going to do the same for the Interchain. Every web page is unique and special, every hyperlink is the same. Every chain has a different goal, every chainlink should be the same.

As the number of blockchains increases exponentially, we hope that a set of standards will emerge for linking together legacy blockchains and creating new ones.

It used to take teams of people months to build a website, now it takes days.

We think something similar will happen to blockchains.

When the number of web pages started to increase exponentially, searching became the most valuable verb on the Internet.

When the number of blockchains starts to increase exponentially, transacting will become the most valuable verb on the Interchain.

Google indexed the Internet, something is going to index the Interchain. Chrome is the most popular Internet browser, Balance could be the most popular Interchain browser.

When the blockchain bubble bursts, we hope that one of the things that endures is the Interchain. There are several groups of people trying to build it. Some of them being open about their efforts.

Some of them are not. Some of them are good at collaborating with people. Some of them are not. We think the teams that are open and collaborative will have the highest chance of succeeding.

We think one team will succeed. We want to partner with that team.

Tim Berners-Lee defined the Internet. Someone out there is going to define the Interchain. If you are that person, please email me.

