The Ultimate Step-By-Step Guide to Validating Your Startup Idea

So you have a startup idea — but how do you get started?

Alex Chuang
Startup Grind


After mentoring 1000 entrepreneurs and incubating 400+ early stage startups, I discovered that many entrepreneurs make the same expensive mistakes. These mistakes can be easily avoided if they knew how to design and conduct lean startup experiments.

In this three-part series, I am going to teach you the startup framework that you need to validate your startup idea so you avoid the number one mistake people make which is to build something that nobody wants.

The core concepts covered in this series include:

  • Understand problem-persona fit
  • Understand problem-solution fit
  • Understand product-market fit

In this section, we will cover how to find your problem-persona fit.

Step 1: Understand the problem that you’re solving

When an idea strikes us, one of the immediate reactions we have is to dream of all the possibilities. In that moment of…



Alex Chuang
Startup Grind

Co-founder/CEO @shapeimmersive prev: @launch_academy. Helping businesses incorporate VR/AR into their strategies.