Today’s Dyn DDoS attack: you wanted a world without Twitter? You got it. Enjoy.

Twitter, Quora, Squarespace, Reddit, Pinterest, and more were taken out by a massive, ongoing DDoS attack on Oct 21, 2016

Marc Hoag
Startup Grind
Published in
4 min readOct 21, 2016


For weeks — years? — people, the media, news outlets, trolls everywhere — have heralded the death of Twitter, or at least, the beginning of its end, never mind its indisputable value and even necessity to millions of people around the world.

Well folks, today, those of you who think Twitter doesn’t matter, good luck getting your to-the-second updates on the latest state of this morning’s epic DDoS attacks with a simple Twitter query for #ddos or #ddos #dyn or whatever.

Because Twitter is down for the count.

PSA: Use the following OpenDNS IP to access (a broken) Twitter, Quora, Reddit, etc:

Oh, there’s Facebook? Try it. While Facebook is without question the social network for humans around the world — it’s said now that virtually 100% of all internet-connected people have a Facebook account, some 1.7 billion — it’s not as good for immediate, breaking events (think earthquakes, ongoing civil unrest…. DDoS attacks) as Twitter, where…

