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What Everyone is not Telling You about Artificial Intelligence

Mate Labs
Startup Grind
5 min readFeb 1, 2017


“Artificial Intelligence”: this term has become so popular/hyped/*add an adjective of your choice* in this decade, that we’re talking about it more than ever. So much so that anything about AI becomes front page news. Tech media must be having a crush on AI for sure.

CC photo by Joe Pavey @

Popular voices in the ecosystem, are so polarizing that you’re left scared or excited. Mr. Singularity, Ray Kurzweil says:

Artificial intelligence will reach human levels by around 2029. Follow that out further to, say, 2045, we will have multiplied the intelligence, the human biological machine intelligence of our civilization a billion-fold.

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We all must have heard of X-Prize, founded by Peter Diamandis, who has a similar take:

Today, a group of 20 individuals empowered by the exponential growing technologies of AI and robotics and computers and networks and eventually nanotechnology can do what only nation states could have done before.

That’s one heck of a pro side. But wait, even before we get started on what’s missing in the whole picture, let me show you counter arguments too.

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Nick Bostrom, a popular philosopher with a killer TED Talk says:

The first ultraintelligent machine is the last invention that man need ever make, provided that the machine is docile enough to tell us how to keep it under control.

CC photo by @elonmusk | Twitter

Moreover, the poster boy of moonshots, Elon Musk too has some extreme thoughts:

With artificial intelligence, we are summoning the demon.

Quite radical, isn’t it? But I cannot completely deny or agree with what these luminaries have to say, mostly because we are still discussing two decades from now.

Well talking about future, there are conferences, tech/non-tech being organized around the globe to celebrate the success of AI that we have witnessed so far, discussing possibilities, new algorithms, and different implementations. People have started echoing their voices on Ethics of AI, and ways to tame the demon that we are creating.

We are missing out on billions of voices, which want to be heard.

In between all the hoopla, no one is even remotely considering the role of 3.4 billion population online, let alone 7.2 billion worldwide. Artificial Intelligence, by all meanings, is something so exponential and game changing that it is considered the last invention humankind will need, and humanity as a whole are not even taking part in it!

To be frank, no one knows what will happen tomorrow let alone 10 years from now. We all are working really hard towards a better future, and to build it in a way we want to. But we must accept it’s just not limited to a pair of hands.

We wouldn’t be here on Medium if the internet didn’t come out of research labs and the military. There would not have been any internet if computers had not been democratized.

It’s always mystical when you see innumerous people echoing for one. It’s more than magic.

We’re a democracy, right? Then why not contribute to something which promises so much, and see for ourselves if we‘ll be successful in building a Utopia and not turn it into a living nightmare.

Let’s be responsible for our own destiny.

At Mate Labs we have a firm belief that the we will be needing the entire humanity itself to build something that can come an inch closer to us humans. Our platform enables everyone to easily build and train Machine Learning models, without writing a single line of code. If code, complex algorithms, mathematics and tuning an ML model is something that has kept the masses away, then we are here with our shovels, to help build the future, where everyone can participate in unison.

Let’s make sure, that the future is not defined by just a bunch of AI nerds (and we don’t mind being called one) but by the collective integrity of 7.2 billion individuals.

About Mate Labs.

At Mate Labs, we have built Mateverse, a Machine Learning Platform, where you can build customized ML models in minutes without writing a single line of code. We make the jobs of Analysts and Data Scientists easier, with proprietary technologies vis a vis, Complex pipelines, Big Data support, Automated Data Preprocessing (Missing Value Imputation using ML models, Outlier Detection, and Formatting), Automated Hyperparameter Optimization, and much more.

To help your business adopt Machine Learning in a way that won’t end up wasting your team’s time in data cleaning and in creating effective data models, fill up the TypeForm here, and we will reach out to you.

Let’s join hands.

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Mate Labs
Startup Grind

We’re trying to enable Machine Learning and Deep Learning to one and all. Irrespective of whether a user knows how to code or not.