Why CEOs Should Outsource Thought Leadership Content

Thought leadership is a key component of your company’s content marketing strategy.

Kiara Williams
Startup Grind


Photo by Vlada Karpovich from Pexels

It’s fair to say that business leaders need to have vision. Without a distinctive take on the dynamics of the business landscape and a target market’s pain points, CEOs can’t lead thriving businesses for very long. But it’s also fair to say that executives often struggle to share their vision with the general public in a way that’s optimized to help achieve business goals. This has a knock-on effect on the company’s marketing abilities.

Many simply don’t prioritize creating and distributing media assets that express vision and insight in the form of thought leadership. This deserves to be a key component in any company’s content marketing strategy, but it all too often falls by the wayside, making for a major missed sales enablement opportunity.

One of the most interesting aspects of thought leadership is the disparity between how vendors versus buyers view it. While the majority of decision-makers say that reading well-produced, well-thought-out content about a company’s thoughts, ideas, and products makes them think more highly of a company, only about 23% of content creators are able to demonstrate sales lift as a result of thought leadership activity with their…



Kiara Williams
Startup Grind

Freelance ghostwriter, blogger and unashamed champion of underdogs. Hound for pop culture, marketing, media and social justice. And I’m in Brooklyn.