Why you are #notastartup

I know, bitching is easy — but come on people, get real.

Bram Kanstein
Startup Grind


These are all real quotes I’ve received or heard.

1. “This is the first version of our deck, please ignore the use of Comic Sa...”

2. “Our growth strategy to getting 100k users in the first 3 months is going viral!”

3. “So, I’m looking for investors to help me execute my idea, can you introdu...”

4. “We’re still working on our growth projections, but we know they’ll go up and to the right!”

5. “Hey I have this idea for an app, can you tell me wha…”

6. “Me and my co-founder met at the coffee machine, he had a nice idea so now we’re buildi…”

7. “I need $10k to hire a design agency to turn my sketch into a...”

8. “Our app is a very creative, interesting and original app that may revolutionize the way people surf the internet.”

Got some examples yourself? Tweet them at me (@bramk) with #notastartup!

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Bram Kanstein
Startup Grind

Early stage startup expert & product builder. I teach people how to build and validate their startup ideas with @nocodemvp ‘s 💡 Made + sold @startupstash 🚀