100 Days in a Startup…

Natalie Ben Shaul
Blog | The Elegant Monkeys
3 min readSep 10, 2017


After finishing my degree, I began looking for my next adventure. What happened next, I could never have anticipated. I always knew I had to work in an industry that gave me the ability to help others and feel like I am making an impact, no matter how small.

What I didn’t know, was that I would find exactly that in high tech. That’s when I found The Elegant Monkeys.

You know that feeling you get in the pit of your stomach, the voice in the back of your mind that is not only your moral compass, but also the little man (in my case woman) that is telling you if you’re in the right place or not?

Well, my little woman is having a party, because I made it! Today marks 100 days working in the startup realm.

When I first ventured on the journey to choosing my career path, after studying Biochemistry and Psychology — the last place I thought I would find myself, was in the world of startups. But this may well be one of the best life choices i’ve made so far.

It dawned on me pretty soon into this 100 day journey that I love working in this world, not only because it fits my personality, but this startup is not just any startup. I feel like I am part of something bigger than I can even comprehend right now.

Working for a startup can be hectic — there are no promises. But hey, life never hands us promises. When life gives you lemons, I said …

… “It’s Tequila time”!

So here are my top 5 reasons why I love working in a start up.

  1. It’s hard work — The world of startups calls for lengthy hours and maximum dedication to the job, which makes the fruit all that sweeter. There are no discounts here, if we want to succeed (and in turn, develop my own career and success), then i’ve got to put the hours in. In other words, I can literally measure the outcome of my input.
  2. I believe in the product — I love everything the product stands for and I love what’s being created. I wake up everyday excited about what I’m working on and I feel like I am an integral part of it’s success.
  3. I love the office culture — Work hard play hard. Coming to the office doesn’t feel like I am coming to work, the office is a second home these days. The people, the location and the values all make it worthwhile.
  4. My voice is heard — The fast paced nature of a startup means that you need to be on your toes, things change from day to day (hour to hour even). That being said, it allows me a platform to grow and harvest my own ideas and my teammates provide the stage.
  5. I’ve become an octopus — This is my favorite one. I kid you not, I have literally turned into ‘Octo-woman’. No two minutes are the same, I wear so many different hats here, but somehow, I don’t loose track. The fast moving endless tasks have given me an opportunity to grow in 100 days in ways that would take much longer anywhere else. I am learning to juggle everything with one hand whilst booking my manicure with the other (I am a woman after all)!

I’ve always appreciated the saying “if you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life”, but now, it’s more than an appreciation, this is my life!

What do my next 100 days have in store for me?

To be continued…

