Founders Club by Rocket DAO invites you to join free online masterclass “Getting started with AWS”

Rocket DAO
Startup Jedi
Published in
1 min readSep 9, 2020

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Missed the events by Rocket DAO?
We are ready to fix it!

Getting started with AWS

Next Thursday, September 17th, at 7:00 pm (GMT + 3), there will be a free online workshop by Founders Club in cooperation with Amazon Web Services “Getting started with AWS” .

At the master class, we:

  • Will talk in detail about the algorithm for obtaining and using AWS Activate Credits;
  • Will talk about how to build an MVP on AWS;
  • Will discuss the different programs and capabilities that Amazon Web Services can provide.

It’s time to join! In addition to a fruitful program and interesting insights, we will provide all event participants with the opportunity to receive $1000 AWS Credits from Rocket DAO for the process of building an MVP model of your project. Isn’t that cool?

Want to join the masterclass? It’s extremely easy — register via the link, and we will send you all the necessary information.

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