Networking Event for Investors and Startup Ecosystem Builders in Tallinn, Estonia

Rocket DAO
Startup Jedi
Published in
2 min readNov 6, 2019

As you know, Startup Jedi is supported and created by the team of Rocket DAO — a VC investment marketplace and a startup evaluation platform with an independent expert community.

We aim to develop a strong venture community. To reach this goal we organize regular meetings for Venture Capital ecosystem participants.

We are pleased to invite you to have a cocktail and chat in an informal calm atmosphere after the busy Deal Day at Startup Week Tallinn. The event will take place on the 12th of November, starting at 19:00.

This event is open for Business Angels, Funds, Experts, Accelerators, Incubators, Startup Hubs, Corporates and Governmental organizations who take part in VC ecosystem development.

Participation is free, but prior registration is needed via the link:

Be quick to register as number of guests is limited! Details about the location will be sent to emails of the registered participants. Can’t wait to see you there!

Startup Week Tallinn

Startup Week Tallinn is a week-long celebration of the entrepreneurial mindset and startup community happening all around the world. On 11–16 November 2019, some of the most successful startups and startup community organizations in Estonia will their doors to share their best practices with the whole community.

Find the details and the agenda on the official Facebook page of the event.

Sometimes, it’s not about what you know, but who you know. At Startup Week Tallinn 2019, the organizers are keen to showcase their network, thus events at Community Connections tracks could possibly change your life. Meet the missing link of your team at a networking night, get inspired by the shared ideas at a fireside chat or talk about any topic you’re passionate about.

