Don’t Panic: Instagram’s New Algorithm is Supposed to Promote Great Content

Brandon Rubinshtein
Startup Lessons Learned
2 min readApr 1, 2016

Instagram has been in the headlines over the years for creating “insta-famous” careers and notorious selfies. Today they are in the news for creating an algorithm. What’s the panic? Well, there’s a perception that the platform is taking away beloved content from your newsfeed. However, this is a step forward in protecting Instagram users from content they are no longer interested in. It’s also a mechanism to stop “insta-fakers” — those that buy followers. Therefore the quality of the content has to be great for your following to count. We’ll be held accountable for what we’re posting.

The algorithm will show users more of what they want first on their newsfeed. You’ll notice those who have made a career through Instagram asking you to push notification. They are afraid their content won’t be seen unless the user sets up push notifications. Once that’s set up, the you will be notified of all their posts.

Now, newsfeed content will no longer be chronological! Meaning Kim Kardashian’s selfies will always be the first thing you see. By turning on notifications, you can choose accounts that you want to receive notifications about. After you scroll through pieces of your beloved content, you’ll get back to your regular feed. Therefore nothing’s being taken away.

Instagram isn’t the first platform to change its algorithm to improve content. Look at Facebook, Google and Yelp. If you have the best and most relevant content then you will have a high organic rating. For content that isn’t up to par, there’s ads! This is a great step in the right direction for Instagram as a business while protecting its source, the users. Without users, Instagram will fail. Content marketing is all about supplying valuable information to individual demands.

So rejoice and push those notifications on your favorites! The rest is natural selection playing its course.

