Article Marketing Tips

5 Article Marketing Tips To Boost Your Website Traffic!

Boost Your Website Traffic With These 5 Article Marketing Tips!

Stephen Providenti
Startup Life Guide (DCM)


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What you will learn in this article:

What is article marketing?
What should you write about?
How do I pique my audience's interest?
First impressions!
Getting the word out!
Be Consistent!
Use Images And Videos!

What Is Article Marketing?

The basics of Article marketing are outlined with these 5 article marketing tips to boost your website traffic. Article marketing is a content marketing strategy where businesses publish high-quality articles on relevant websites and online publications. They do this to reach a wider audience, drive traffic to their website, generate sales and obtain leads.

When done correctly, article marketing can be a very effective way to improve your website's SEO, build brand awareness, and position yourself as an expert in your industry. These 5 article marketing tips to boost your website traffic are the perfect place to start.

When you publish articles on high-traffic websites, you can expect to see a significant increase in traffic to your own website. By applying these 5 article marketing tips to boost your website traffic, you can also improve your website SEO by generating backlinks. Backlinks from high-quality websites are a major ranking factor in Google's search engine algorithm.

When you publish articles on other websites, you'll naturally build backlinks to your own website, which can help improve your search engine rankings. Article marketing can help you build brand awareness and establish yourself as an expert in your industry.

When people see your articles published on high-quality websites, they'll start to associate your name with expertise in your field. That is precisely what these 5 article marketing tips to boost your website traffic are about. Building recognition and trust will always be your “starting point”.

Article marketing can also be used to generate leads. When you include a call to action in your articles, you can encourage readers to visit your website and learn more about your products or services.

Read more on 10 proven ways to promote affiliate products and make money online in the MMO niche.

There are many platforms to publish articles for article marketing I've included some of the most popular below:

Medium: Medium is a popular blogging platform that allows you to publish articles on a variety of topics. It has a large audience of engaged readers, and it's relatively easy to get your articles published.

HubSpot: HubSpot is a content marketing platform that offers a variety of tools to help you create, publish, and promote your content. It also has a large directory of websites where you can submit your articles for publication.

LinkedIn: LinkedIn is a professional networking platform that allows you to publish articles on your profile page. LinkedIn articles can be seen by your connections and other LinkedIn members, which can help you reach a wider audience.

BuzzSumo: BuzzSumo is a content marketing platform that allows you to discover trending topics and find websites where you can publish your articles. It also offers a monitoring tool that allows you to track your articles' performance and see how they're being shared across the web.

When choosing platforms to publish your articles on, it's important to consider your target audience and the type of content you create.
 For example, if you're a B2B company, you may want to focus on publishing articles on LinkedIn and industry-specific websites.

If you're a B2C company, you may want to focus on publishing articles on Medium and other general interest websites. It's also important to make sure that the websites you publish your articles on are high-quality and have a good reputation.

You don't want to publish your articles on spammy or low-quality websites, as this could damage your brand reputation.

What Should You Write About?

Write about topics that are relevant to your audience. What are your customers interested in?

What problems do they need solutions to? Once you know what your audience wants to read about, you can start writing articles that provide them with valuable information.

How Do I Pique My Audience's Interest?

Make your articles timely and newsworthy. People are more likely to read articles that are relevant to current events or trends. If you can write articles that are timely and newsworthy, you'll be more likely to attract readers and get your articles shared.

First Impressions

Write catchy headlines. Your headline is the first thing people will see, so it's important to make a good impression.

Write headlines that are clear, concise, and informative. You can also try using keywords in your headlines to help people find your articles when they search online.

Get The Word Out

Promote your articles. Once you've written a great article, don't just sit back and wait for people to find it. Promote your articles on social media, submit them to article directories, and reach out to other websites in your industry to see if they would be interested in sharing your content.

Be Consistent

Be consistent. Article marketing is a long-term strategy. Don't expect to see results overnight.

Instead, focus on writing and promoting high-quality articles on a consistent basis. Over time, you'll start to see an increase in traffic to your website.

Use Images And Videos

Images and videos can make your articles more visually appealing and engaging.

If you can, try to include at least one image or video in each article.
You can find free images and videos to use on websites like Pixabay and Unsplash.

I prefer Canva. You can do a lot with the free version but it's worth it to upgrade to Pro. I hope that you enjoyed my article and that maybe someone learned something they didn't know.


