Increase Medium Views

Best 8 Free Ways To Increase Your Medium Views!

Proof of increasing Medium views by over 2,650% in 6 months!

Deon Christie
Startup Life Guide (DCM)
12 min readDec 1, 2023


Medium Non-Members Can Read The Full Story HERE!

Discover The Best 8 Free Ways To Increase Your Medium Views Astronomically
The image was designed with Canva and uploaded in PNG file format by Deon Christie. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

What you will learn from this Medium article.

· Best 8 free ways to increase your Medium views introduction.

· Simplified SEO that even complete beginners can understand.

· Adding the Medium H2 kicker Subheader to increase views.

· Using GIF images instead of PNG image files.

· Proof that these 8 Medium exposure strategies work.

· Consistent commenting with interest targeted audiences.

· Conclusion of best 8 free ways to increase your Medium views.

· Free affiliate marketing stuff for our Medium subscribers!

Best 8 free ways to increase your Medium views introduction.

This Medium article will cover the best 8 free ways to increase your Medium views. They are so simple to apply that even complete beginners will be able to understand how to apply these best 8 free ways to increase your Medium views. Because we have done several other illustrated Medium articles, that will guide you step by step.

Therefore, we will just be covering the basics of these best 8 free ways to increase your Medium views in this article. You should read all the other Medium articles included here because we cannot possibly demonstrate all 8 of these best free ways to increase your Medium views, with illustration, in a single article.

Although the tutorials on these best 8 free ways to increase your Medium views are extensive. You will soon see in the analytic proof, that it is well worth your time and effort. A 2650% growth within 6 months confirms that. Don’t you think, that kind of growth deserves a “test drive”? Below are listed, the 8 ways.

· Apply easy-to-understand SEO.

· Adding the Medium H2 kicker header.

· Use sub-headers.

· Using featured images.

· Including the friend link.

· Apply Simplicity.

· Using GIF image files.

· Consistent commenting.

This is how we went from 50 daily views on Medium to 1,797 views per day. By following these simple-to-apply, easy-to-understand strategies, because we like to “figure out”, content marketing strategies of our own. Not all of them work, but this one undoubtedly did! Next, let’s dive into the best 8 free ways to increase your Medium views.

But hang on, before we do. Please remember that this is a content marketing strategy. How well you apply and work with it will determine your level of success. These best 8 free ways to increase your Medium views are combined into a single strategy. And because it involves SEO, it also requires time.

Simplified SEO that even complete beginners can understand.

With SEO, you want search engines to recognize your content. But more importantly, you want them to select your content for a page one position. The only way to do that is to offer better content than the current ranking content within your search phrase or keywords. You have to come up with a better solution.

Search engines are “businesses”, always remember that. They are always looking for the most comprehensive “answers” or “solutions” related to “search queries” to offer their “customers”. We have noticed that AI and unique content basically, both “do the same job”. But you must know How To Use AI Writing Software.

By “simple SEO” we refer to things like Kicker Headers, Titles, Featured Images (with alt attributes, captions, and provenance), First 2 to 4 Lines Of Text. Along with Article Introduction, and Conclusion, these all form part of your SEO layout and structure. All contained within the best 8 free ways to increase your Medium views.

But as mentioned earlier, we cannot dive into the SEO depths in a single article, we will need to write an eBook. Therefore, we will provide proof, but you must read the other articles on this Medium post. It is a sequence of tiny little SEO editing tasks, all rolled into one strategy. Below is illustrated proof of “external” increased exposure.

Discover The Best 8 Free Ways To Increase Your Medium Views Astronomically From Search Engines
Author account screenshot. The image screenshot was captured with “Paint 3D” and edited in Canva. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

As illustrated above, notice the traffic from search engines, that is how these best 8 free ways to increase your Medium views work. It’s straight-up increased exposure, that works. But it also requires time, consistency, and patience. You will also notice traffic from 2 of the largest Medium publications, and here’s the “kicker”.

We have not even submitted any articles to these Medium publications, because they only accept stories behind the paywall. This means, being part of the Medium Partner Program (MPP), for which we are not eligible in South Africa yet. We found it a bit strange, not quite sure how that works. But we’re not complaining.

We have, however, also mentioned “including the Medium friend link”, yes, this link can be obtained while editing an already published Medium article. One simple strategy can provide astronomical growth, as illustrated below. Unfortunately, what goes up, must come down, that’s just how SEO works. Which is why consistency is so important.

Discover The Best 8 Free Ways To Increase Your Medium Views Astronomically Adding The Friend Link
Author account screenshot. The image screenshot was captured with “Paint 3D” and edited in Canva. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

As illustrated above, around 7,400 of the 9,600 views were from “non-members on Medium”! By simply adding the “Medium Friend Link”, and if you don’t know how then this is how to do that. Go to “Edit Story”, then click on the 3 dots (top right-hand side corner next to the notifications bell).

Select “More Settings”, and simply scroll down to the “Promotion” area, where you will see an option to “Copy” the “Friend Link”. Where you place this link in your Medium article is entirely up to you. We prefer to place it right beneath the heading area first Subheader (Medium Non-Members Can Read The Full Story HERE!).

Adding the Medium H2 kicker Subheader to increase views.

This is one part we notice that does not get mentioned enough. The Medium H2 kicker header. SEO logic tells us that the “H2 Kicker Header” is the “short tail” search phrase, that best describes the content. Perhaps we overlooked it, but couldn’t find much info on Medium as to exactly what the H2 kicker should consist of.

For this demonstration, and because we want to show you another little “trick”. Illustrated below is the header section of the article you are reading right now, about the best 8 free ways to increase your Medium views. You must create a space above the title by pressing “enter”, then add the kicker, and mark it as an H2 header.

Discover The Best 8 Free Ways To Increase Your Medium Views Astronomically With Medium SEO Header Area
Author account screenshot. The image screenshot was captured with “Paint 3D” and edited in Canva. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

The other “trick” we want to show you, is the title. Notice how the original title is a bit shorter than the one illustrated? Why is that? That is because when you publish your Medium article for the first time, the title makes up the URL slug. After publishing, you must go to “Edit Story”, enter the shorter title, and add the “Friend Link”.

That way you can have your Medium article slug, adding simplicity and better understanding of your content. This will boost your article indexing and ranking capability, in most cases, speeding it up quite a bit. These best 8 free ways to increase your Medium views are not that difficult to apply. Just take your time.

Using GIF images instead of PNG image files.

With this one, we have to be honest and say, we stumbled over it by pure accident. While busy creating one of our Medium publications, we noticed the different image formats accepted, including the GIF file format. Curiosity did the rest, so we started exploring GIF image files on Medium, and it works!

What exactly is a GIF image file? A GIF image file is “a short clip without sound”. But it is the “movement” that “gets” your visitor, or reader’s attention. They are scrolling through the feed, and suddenly…movement! It draws attention, plain and simple. But, there is a “catch”, there always is, right?

You can create any image, design, video, post, and so much more, using a tool called Canva (just search your browser). But you cannot upload images, regardless of format, exceeding 25 Meg on Medium. However, when you do decide to “test drive” the GIF image format, try keeping it under 15 Meg. But why is that?

You want to share your articles, using the social sharing options (Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn) provided by Medium, right? The problem is, that most social networking giants accept only image files smaller than 15 Meg. So although Medium accepts 25 Meg, when your image exceeds 15 Meg, it will not show as a thumbnail on social sites.

With these best 8 free ways to increase your Medium views and the use of GIF images. You can “spice up” your Medium profile, publications, featured images, and even article illustration images. Like we have done with the illustrations for this exact article, just to demonstrate the many uses of GIF image files.

GIF images, however, should be used moderately. Like any other exposure strategy, it requires time to “get proper traction”, but works like a charm. The point is that it attracts attention, and one of the primary purposes of your Medium articles is to gain more “profile views”. That is how you build recognition and trust.

Proof that these 6 Medium exposure strategies work.

Before we get to the proof, illustrated screenshots, you will notice a significant increase and then, a devastating drop. But, don’t be fooled, because that’s just how SEO and exposure work. That is why you must write consistently, and maintain quality. Millions of articles are submitted to search engines daily.

Therefore, there will always be competition, and if you want to keep up. Then you must keep “outwriting” your competitors with better quality content. That is the core of these best 8 free ways to increase your Medium views, you must stay consistent! Don’t stop writing because you see a massive climb, and then a drop. Keep going.

As illustrated below, the 6 months mentioned in this article are from May 2023 to November 2023. During May, 690 views for the month, but prepare to be blown away by what happened during November. The most unexpected 2,650% growth in Medium views happened. Proving that these best, 8 free ways to increase your Medium views, work like a charm!

Discover The Best 8 Free Ways To Increase Your Medium Views Astronomically Analytics Of 6 Months Ago
Author account screenshot. The image screenshot was captured with “Paint 3D” and edited in Canva. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

As illustrated below, the “shocker”. But at the same time, the disappointing drop too. Get used to that with writing, be it on Medium, blogging, or any other writing avenue you choose. Not all your content is going to “shine all the time”. If you want rain, you must deal with the mud too, right? Just keep “writing yourself out of the mud”.

Discover The Best 8 Free Ways To Increase Your Medium Views Astronomically Current Medium Analytics
Author account screenshot. The image screenshot was captured with “Paint 3D” and edited in Canva. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

It’s a simple math, 690 X 2650% = 18,285 views, within 6 months of applying these Medium writing strategies. We’re just rounding off the figures. But this was as a result of just one article “taking off”, while the one you’re reading is article number 365. The more quality content you have anywhere, for that matter, the better your chances.

But, these were not just random views. They were from a targeted audience because followers and subscribers also increased exponentially. As illustrated below, a rather steep rise in followers and Medium subscribers. By simply applying these best 8 free ways to increase your Medium views.

Discover The Best 8 Free Ways To Increase Your Medium Views Astronomically With Increased Followers And Subscribers
Author account screenshot. The image screenshot was captured with “Paint 3D” and edited in Canva. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

As mentioned a moment ago, this was from just one Medium article “taking off”, and it was not “boosted” on Medium. This brought quite a bit of joy because all our Medium articles are written following the same SEO structure and layout. Therefore, we are eager to see what happens once the others start “taking off” too.

The sudden decline is of no concern to us. If we could do this with one article, we can do the same with others, right? The point is that we have found a sound content marketing strategy that works. Not something you “stumble” over each day. Therefore, we could barely wait to share it with you.

Consistent commenting with interest targeted audiences.

Consistency on Medium is not just about consistent writing, it is also about consistent engagement. Clapping, sharing, commenting, and engaging form part of building recognition. But commenting is not a sales opportunity to share links or gigs. Commenting serves the same purpose that your Medium articles do.

To offer value through unique quality. The whole point of commenting is to add value to the topic, or discussion. Not to share links, or ask for followers and subscribers. If your content does the talking, then you will not have to ask in the first place. Use commenting for what it is supposed to be used for. Exposure!

Leveraging commenting the right way, by adding value, will result in profile views. When your “5 pinned profile” posts and profile bio are completed professionally. Then you have the chance of more people reading your articles, and visiting your blog (profile bio). From there, the “road to sales” starts, as you take your reader on a journey.

You are allowed a maximum of 100 comments per day, in many cases, we run out of comments before getting properly started! Hopefully, Medium will consider increasing this soon. Especially with a rapidly growing audience, 100 comments per day, is simply no longer sufficient.

Conclusion of best 8 free ways to increase your Medium views.

By simply applying these best 8 free ways to increase your Medium views, you might be surprised. But there is no “one size fits all”, with traffic. Just how well these best 8 free ways to increase your Medium views will work for you, remains to be seen. Below are mentioned the basic principles and areas you want to focus on.

· Apply easy-to-understand SEO.

· Adding the Medium H2 kicker header.

· Use sub-headers.

· Using featured images.

· Including the friend link.

· Apply Simplicity.

· Using GIF image files.

· Consistent commenting.

These best 8 free ways to increase your Medium views work. Because these views were not from a “Medium Boost”. When your article gets “boosted” on Medium, you will receive a notification email. We received no such email. This happened by applying these best 8 free ways to increase your Medium views.

If you found this Medium story helpful, kindly let us know in the comments. We would love to hear your opinion. Did you know the best 8 free ways to increase your Medium views? Do you struggle with driving traffic, generating sales, creating content, or writing? Would you like to finally increase your medium views?

If you need help with anything, we speak “Medium” and “Writing” fluently, so feel free to reach out any time. With that, our “Best 8 Free Ways To Increase Your Medium Views!” story on Medium is concluded.

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Deon Christie
Startup Life Guide (DCM)

Article Writing SEO For Affiliate Marketing | Free Buyer Traffic Methods. On Medium Since October 2022. Online Since 2011.