Importance Of Professional Online Profiles

Incomplete Online Profiles And Beginner Mistakes!

You Cannot Build Trust With Incomplete Online Profiles!

Deon Christie
Startup Life Guide (DCM)
8 min readOct 19, 2023


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Incomplete Online Profiles Is Where Most Beginners Make Mistakes
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What you will learn from this Medium story.

Incomplete online profiles beginner mistakes introduction.

The paramount importance of your professional online profiles.

Things beginners must avoid with professional profiles.

Beginner tips with incomplete online profile mistakes.

Incomplete online profiles beginner mistakes conclusion.

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Incomplete online profiles beginner mistakes introduction.

One of the most common beginner mistakes is incomplete online profiles. From experience, we know that incomplete online profiles are often a mistake by beginners as a result of an attempt to “make money faster”. Your incomplete online profiles are going to do the direct opposite and you will not make any money online!

Of all the beginner mistakes made online, incomplete profiles might be the most “damaging” to your online career. This article will point out the beginner mistakes with incomplete online profiles. But it will also guide you through how to remedy that. Incomplete online profiles can sink your online career before you even get started!

When you want to make money on the internet, you need to stand out from a rather alarmingly large crowd. You know, the crowd of “professionals”, “experts”, and “gurus”. If you want to get recognised as a professional, then you must out professional your competitors, so to speak.

It matters little to “say” you are professional, what matters is; Can you prove it? If you say you are an SEO “expert”, can you provide proof of your own indexed work like Medium articles for instance and your websites or blogs that are ranking? If you cannot, well, then you are no SEO “expert”. Personally, these words make us uncomfortable.

There are way too many “experts” these days who do not know the first thing about writing or marketing in most cases. Let alone SEO, while we’re on the subject. Faceless and incomplete profiles are often perceived as “fake” profiles. Personally, we do not respond to such profiles because there are way too many “scammers” doing the rounds.

Writing a few articles does not make you an “expert”. Especially with an incomplete online profile, and that is where many beginners make the mistake. Spinning and copying other people’s work also does not make you an “expert”. Creating your own content and designs puts you on the path to becoming an “expert”, provided you are prepared to work for it.

With this article, we are aiming more toward explaining the importance of a professional online profile. But we will also include some of our other Medium stories, that offer more guidance with the actual completion of a professional online profile. Therefore, we strongly suggest you also check out the other Medium stories in this article.

The paramount importance of your professional online profiles.

Your professional online profile is of paramount importance because that is how you build trust and recognition. Without these twokeys”, sorry to say, making money online might remain “impossible” to do. Your professional profile is your online introduction. With an incomplete online profile, you do not offer much of an introduction.

In our opinion, please correct us if you think we’re wrong. But with the level of competition “out there” one must step up your game in the professional world, starting with your online profile. A professional profile should consist of the following as listed below.

Clear Profile Picture Showing Your Face.

Cover Image (Where Applicable)

URL To Your Hosted Blog (Where Links Are Allowed)

Profile Description (Often A Short Description).

About Section Or Page (Propper Introduction).

Legit Contact Details (Where Allowed).

We cannot place enough exclamation on the fact that your online profile plays the most important part in generating sales. Ask yourself this question; Will you be prepared to buy from a faceless incomplete profile with no contact details for instance? No? Well, then how can you expect someone else to do that? A professionally completed profile builds trust and recognition, simple as that.

When you want to generate sales and make money online, your first objective is to build trust and recognition. Not to “generate sales”, another mistake beginners often make. Your professional profiles and high-quality content must do the talking, not you. That is why you must become a “problem solver”, not a salesman.

With a professional profile, you are proving to your readers and audiences that you are who your content suggests you are. A professional profile must also provide a means for your readers to contact you. Be it email, your website, blog, or any other professional means of contacting you.

Things beginners must avoid with professional profiles.

Cloaked affiliate links, unless cloaked with Pretty Links Lite which is a cloaking plugin. For which you will need to have your own hosted domain, like your blog. Because the cloaked link points to your primary domain. In our opinion, sharing basic cloaked links trumpets “beginner”.

This brings us to the first thing many beginners are often told by so-called “professionals” and “experts”. Is to cloak their affiliate links with well-known free cloaking tools. Then share those links in your profiles with social media giants like TikTok and Instagram for instance, and even on Medium. You might get lucky and generate a sale or two, perhaps.

Please don’t get us wrong, there is nothing wrong with using these free cloaking tools (but we are not going to mention names for obvious reasons). In our opinion, it no longer sends a “professional” message. A hosted domain, however, does. That is what we are saying, the digital marketing world has evolved. And being professional is everything.

In fact, we are using many of these free cloaking tools to cloak links for the purpose of “tracking”. But we prefer to do that with our free blogs, for instance, including them as hyperlinks. Because we have both hosted and free blogs online. They are not “bad tools” just often used in a “less preferred manner”.

As mentioned before, the digital marketplace has become more competitive than it ever has. From writing to marketing your professional profiles are your “key” to success. Instead of a cloaked affiliate link, we recommend using a professional URL redirecting to your blog for instance. Your affiliate offers are then presented through your blog.

Beginner tips with incomplete online profile mistakes.

There is one thing we noticed to be rather effective, especially in building trust and reputation online. Using the same profile image across multiple networks. Because then your Medium audience can recognise you on Quora, audiences can recognise you on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and the list goes on. See where this is going?

But don’t make your “About Me” page a copy-and-paste replica. Rather leverage the same style of introduction, but unique to each individual platform. The whole point is to make yourself recognisable, so you can build trust and reputation. Providing you can offer solutions to problems, answers to questions, or guides to complete tasks.

Another important fact to bear in mind is that people will always remember how you made them feel. That is why you want to “solve their problems”. Relieving your readers of a particular load will make them feel “relieved”. We bet they are going to “remember” you, right? See how this works? It all starts with your professional online profile.

When you offer high-quality content that solves problems, then it will often result in profile visits. Where the URL to your professional blog is included (where allowed), remember? People start to enjoy your content and recognise you over multiple platforms. And soon, you start building reputation and trust.

That is how the “magic” of sales happens, in our experience anyway. It does not happen with an incomplete online profile; we can assure you of that. Without reputation and trust, there will be no sales, and without a professional profile, there will be no trust or recognition. It’s like a money-making “machine” with many “moving parts”.

Therefore, without a professional online profile, don’t expect too much when it comes to sales. With a professional profile, however, you will attract a lot more attention and start building your target audiences. Meaning followers, and subscribers. Give people a reason to follow you and subscribe to your work and they will.

Incomplete online profiles beginner mistakes conclusion.

With an incomplete online profile, regardless of the platform, you are sending a “beginner” message. Perhaps a subconscious message that can be interpreted as “limited knowledge”. Always remember that people are much more likely to purchase from a “familiar”. Your professional online profile should include the following.

Clear Profile Picture Showing Your Face.

Cover Image (Where Applicable)

URL To Your Hosted Blog (Where Links Are Allowed)

Profile Description (Often A Short Description).

About Section Or Page (Propper Introduction).

Legit Contact Details (Where Allowed).

We were all beginners once, and we all mostly made the exact same mistakes never forget that. Really being “professional” simply means you have failed enough times to be able to offer solutions, answers, and guides. Along with professional online profiles, obviously. This should give you a pretty good idea of the importance of having professional profiles.

If you found this Medium story helpful, kindly let us know in the comments. We would love to hear your opinion. Did you know about the devastation capabilities of incomplete online profiles? Are your online profiles professional? Or are you perhaps a beginner making these mistakes? Do you need help with building recognition and trust?

If you need help with anything, we speak “Medium” and “Writing” rather fluently, so feel free to reach out any time. With that, our “Incomplete Online Profiles And Beginner Mistakes!” story on Medium is concluded. And with that, you now know the paramount importance of professional online profiles! If you want to generate online sales, that is.

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Deon Christie
Startup Life Guide (DCM)

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