Free Affiliate Marketing Strategy

Unique And Free Affiliate Marketing Sales Strategy!

Unique, Invitation, Free Affiliate Marketing Sales Strategy!

Deon Christie
Startup Life Guide (DCM)
10 min readDec 20, 2023


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Invitation Only Unique Free Affiliate Marketing Strategy To Generate Sales Online
The image was designed with Canva and uploaded in PNG file format by Deon Christie. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

What you will learn from this Medium article.

· Unique and free affiliate marketing sales strategy introduction.

· Your exclusive invitation-only affiliate marketing membership.

· Choose from over 35,000 brand partners to generate affiliate sales.

· Setting up your 3 unique automated affiliate payment options.

· Conclusion of unique and free affiliate marketing sales strategy.

· Free affiliate marketing stuff for our Medium subscribers!

Unique and free affiliate marketing sales strategy introduction.

This is a truly unique and free affiliate marketing sales strategy that we have just tested. Unfortunately, you can only “get in” if you are invited, so, you’re invited. Therefore, in this Medium article, you will be guided step-by-step through the unique and free affiliate marketing sales strategy.

What sets this apart from most other affiliate marketing strategies, is that it automatically integrates with over 35,000 “brand partners”. That means, with this unique affiliate marketing sales strategy, you can choose from over 35,000 affiliate networks!

This is so beginner-friendly, that you will be blown away by the simplicity. The “brand partners” we mentioned a moment ago, include all the big names. For obvious reasons, we are not going to include all (Currently 38,035) the brand partners, but below is a list of some giant brands.

· Amazon.

· Etsy.

· Wayfair.

· eBay.

· Home Depot.

· Nike Store.

· Best Buy.

· PetSmart.

· Mango.

· Dell.

What is this unique and free affiliate marketing sales strategy all about? It integrates automatically with any of the affiliate networks you choose to use. With such a gigantic list, you are bound to find a network that will work for you in any country. Of that, we are pretty sure.

How it works is, that your commissions earned get verified by brand partners with this unique and free affiliate marketing sales strategy. Your commissions are then paid to you through 3 payment options. We are using 2 of the three available payment options, as listed below.

· PayPal.

· Payoneer.

· Venmo.

Admittedly, we are not familiar with Venmo, but the other two we have been using it for many years. In case you cannot use PayPal, then Payoneer is a great option. To the best of our knowledge, Payoneer works worldwide. If you do not have a Payoneer account, then simply >> Create Your Free Payoneer Account <<.

With Payoneer you even get your debit card delivered to your door and a “first deposit” (unique affiliate marketing strategy to generate sales payment) bonus of $25. But this is just an extra payment option that works rather well because you can swipe your debit card anywhere.

But this unique and free affiliate marketing sales strategy is just the “tip of the Benable iceberg” because you can share anything with Benable lists and cards. Like your Medium articles, YouTube videos, or any URL you wish to share.

But please, this is not a “spamming” and “scamming” opportunity, you will get your account suspended. As with any site, your success depends on complying with the rules. So, familiarize yourself with the site rules, and how things work. What is accepted, and what is not?

Your exclusive invitation-only affiliate marketing membership.

Next, you will be guided to create your free account with this unique and free affiliate marketing sales strategy. Although much similar to Pinterest, the integration and automation with so many affiliate networks are unbelievable!

You get to sell absolutely anything with this unique and free affiliate marketing sales strategy! From apparel to home décor, affiliate marketing products, home and garden, video gaming, music, weight loss, health and fitness, and the list goes on. All you have to do is to get started.

Create your free Benable account through this exclusive >> Benable Invitation Link <<, and simply complete your profile. You cannot access this site without being invited by someone. Please do not miss out on this, this is free and one of the most unique affiliate marketing strategies we have tested online.

Complete your profile as professionally as possible, as you should do with any online profile. Below is an example of what a completed profile should look like. Profile image, cover image, and description (meta description). This is as important as it is professional.

Because your Benable “lists” and “cards” get indexed in search engines, almost like ready-made online shops. When this happens, you can get a lot of search engine traffic to the links you share in your Benable lists and cards. You are going to love this simplicity.

Invitation Only Unique Free Affiliate Marketing Strategy To Generate Sales Online Profile Dusplay
Author account screenshot. The image screenshot was captured with “Paint 3D”. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

If you choose, you can also create multiple profiles with Benable and this unique and free affiliate marketing sales strategy. Perhaps different profiles for different niches, your options with Benable are endless. Apart from search engine indexing, you can also get your “cards” and “lists” verified by Benable, as illustrated below.

You will see this “verification badge” when the Benable algorithm selects your content as high-quality. In this particular Benable card, we are sharing links to our Medium articles and YouTube videos. If your list or card content qualifies, you will get notified of its verification by Benable.

Invitation Only Unique Free Affiliate Marketing Strategy To Generate Sales Online Getting Verified By Benable
Author account screenshot. The image screenshot was captured with “Paint 3D” and edited in Canva. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

But what does this “getting verified” mean? It means that Benable will extend preference to your verified lists and cards. This in turn will boost your exposure with Benable’s 300K (mostly USA, UK, Canada, and Australia) visitors per month. Making it top-tier targeted traffic!

Choose from over 35,000 brand partners to generate affiliate sales.

Creating Benable “lists” and “cards,” as mentioned earlier, are much like Pinterest “boards” and “pins”. Only this time, you get to automatically integrate with any brand partner you choose, and earn affiliate commissions through Benable.

In this demonstration, we just used our Amazon associates affiliate account and created a Benable card in the Video Games niche. As can be seen below, this is important to earn commissions. Your “Benable Auto-Affiliate Link” must be activated. But it cannot just be “clicked” to activate.

If you would like to view this particular Benable card within the video games and gaming niches to get a better idea. You can simply >> Check Out Video Game Consoles And Accessories <<. Even the product images are automatically uploaded by Benable. All you need is the strategic “search term”.

Invitation Only Unique Free Affiliate Marketing Strategy To Generate Sales Online With Benable Lists And Cards
Author account screenshot. The image screenshot was captured with “Paint 3D” and edited in Canva. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

You have to register or be registered with the Benable “brand partner or partners” you wish to use. That is done by simply signing up for a free affiliate account. You might want to watch a few YouTube training videos about that. But we will briefly take a look at that in a moment.

Once registered with the brand partners you wish to use, simply add your affiliate ID, or IDs on the Benable “Cashback Settings”. Once done, when you create cards, be specific in your search and Benable with automatically add affiliate offers. It will also activate the “Benable Auto-Affiliate Link”.

Among some of the Benable brand partners, you will find the big names listed below. By now, you should realize the potential of this unique and free affiliate marketing sales strategy. Easy to set up, but you have to pay attention to the steps, and a specific “search text strategy” we will get to in a bit.

· Amazon.

· Etsy.

· Wayfair.

· eBay.

· Home Depot.

· Nike Store.

· Best Buy.

· PetSmart.

· Mango.

· Dell.

We have created a Benable list called “Video Games And Gadgets For Gamers And Weirdos!”, for this demonstration. When you create cards for your list, you must mention the affiliate network (brand partner) you wish to use.

Therefore, in this case, a good search phrase would be “Video Game Consoles On Amazon” for example. The Benable algorithm now knows you are looking for “Video Game Consoles”, available for sale on “Amazon”. Do not forget to add the Benable brand partner name.

Setting up your 3 unique automated affiliate payment options.

The only requirement Benable has with payouts is that you have at least $80 in your “Cashback” account confirmed by brand partners. The confirmation is applicable especially where a refund is offered. You must then wait out the refund period before the brand partner will confirm your affiliate commissions with Benable.

This is why we added the option to sign up with Payoneer in the article introduction because many countries cannot use PayPal. Chances are, however, much better when you have a Payoneer account too. We used Payoneer and PayPal as our payment methods. Your 3 payment options are listed below.

· PayPal.

· Payoneer.

· Venmo.

Inside Benable, go to “settings”, then select “cashback settings”, you should be on a page similar to the illustration below. From there you just link your payment accounts, by adding your email address for the particular payment method. Like your PayPal and Payoneer account emails.

As simple as that, your payment methods with Benable are set, and ready to pay out your commissions once you exceed $80 in confirmed affiliate commissions. That is how this unique and free affiliate marketing sales strategy works! Pretty easy, right?

Invitation Only Unique Free Affiliate Marketing Strategy To Generate Sales Online Setting Up benable Payment Methods
Author account screenshot. The image screenshot was captured with “Paint 3D” and edited in Canva. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

As illustrated above, your Benable “Cashback” settings page also includes a training video. If you get stuck or don’t understand how to add your payment methods, simply watch Benable’s guidance video. With the illustrations in this article, it should be pretty simple to follow along.

Conclusion of unique and free affiliate marketing sales strategy.

You now have complete access and a much better idea about this unique and free affiliate marketing sales strategy. One of the best affiliate marketing strategies we have tested to date. You have access to over 35,000 affiliate networks (brand partners). So finding something to sell effortlessly, is now a reality!

Among the Benable brand partners, you will find some of the well-known gigantic brands listed below. With such a large list to choose from and using this unique and free affiliate marketing sales strategy, there is absolutely nothing holding you back.

· Amazon.

· Etsy.

· Wayfair.

· eBay.

· Home Depot.

· Nike Store.

· Best Buy.

· PetSmart.

· Mango.

· Dell.

You have 3 payment options, as listed below. You can choose to use PayPal and Payoneer if you wish, as we did. Payoneer will probably work in case you cannot use PayPal, which is why you have the option to create a free Payoneer account in the article introduction.

· PayPal.

· Payoneer.

· Venmo.

Choosing your payment option is entirely up to you. We are just mentioning our preferred payment methods because we have received several payments from multiple affiliate networks with these 2 payment options.

You can even receive affiliate commission payments from most affiliate networks with Payoneer. Like Clickbank, Warrior Plus, and JVZoo.

If you found this Medium story helpful, kindly let us know in the comments. We would love to hear your opinion. Did you know about this unique and free affiliate marketing sales strategy?

Do you struggle with driving traffic, generating sales, creating content, or writing?

Are you excited to get started with this unique and free affiliate marketing sales strategy? If you need help with anything, we speak “Medium”, “Marketing”, and “Writing” rather fluently, so feel free to reach out any time.

With that, our “Unique And Free Affiliate Marketing Sales Strategy!” story on Medium is concluded. Now you know how to use this unique and free affiliate marketing sales strategy. Nothing is stopping you now! This is your chance!

Even If You’ve Never Made A Dime Online Before! The One Simple Thing That Generates Consistent Cash as Quickly As Possible! Just paste in your affiliate ID and simply Plug in the Free traffic! Besides, you have nothing to lose, because you get a full refund if you don’t like what you see! — Source

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: Some of the links in this post are links to affiliate offers. If you visit them to make a purchase, we will earn a commission. The decision is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something is entirely up to you. All offers come with a full 30 to 60 days, no questions asked, money-back guarantee!

Free affiliate marketing stuff for our Medium subscribers!

New subscribers on Medium receive 6 gifts. 4 of our top traffic eBooks, and 2 free exclusive memberships with traffic tools we use. Subscribe to (Deon Christie) on Medium and your gifts will be emailed to you ASAP. (Be sure your Medium email notifications are turned on!). Medium has no affiliation, nor do they endorse the free giveaway in any way. Contact us with any queries, not Medium support.



Deon Christie
Startup Life Guide (DCM)

Article Writing SEO For Affiliate Marketing | Free Buyer Traffic Methods. On Medium Since October 2022. Online Since 2011.