Medium Growth Part 1

900% Medium Statistical Growth Rate In 5 Months (Part 1)

Easy To Apply Descriptive Simplicity Strategy With Medium SEO!

Deon Christie
Article Writing SEO Guide (DCM)
8 min readNov 10, 2023


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Within Only 5 Months The Statistical Growth On Medium Reached 900%
The image was designed with Canva and uploaded in PNG file format by Deon Christie. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

What you will learn from this Medium article.

900% Medium statistical growth rate in 5 months introduction.

What did we do to reach a 900% growth rate on Medium?

Secrets to creating 100% SEO-optimized Medium articles.

Conclusion of 900% Medium statistical growth rate in 5 months.

Free affiliate marketing stuff for our Medium subscribers!

900% Medium statistical growth rate in 5 months introduction.

This Medium article about the 900% Medium statistical growth rate in 5 months might be similar to one from yesterday. But going from a growth rate of 680% (With Yesterday’s Article) to almost 900% in ONE DAY is worth a recap feedback, don’t you think? A 900% Medium statistical growth rate in 5 months was not what we expected.

But a rather exciting surprise. So this article is just a recap and 1 day update. Clearly, these SEO strategies are working as you will soon witness in the analytic proof screenshots. Illustrating and proving the 900% Medium statistical growth rate in 5 months is real. Perhaps we are just a tad over-excited.

There is no better feeling than working on a content marketing strategy and then getting your socks knocked off! Because most strategies you test, sadly, end in failure. This one, however, did not! But in order not to mislead you, although this happened in the last 5 months. It does not “happen overnight”. Work with the strategy.

We had to write consistently for 8 months to “get here”. All the while figuring out SEO and publishing at different times (GEO Location And Timing) for establishing optimized engagement times. There are 10 basic steps or requirements to reach unbelievable growth rates like this. They are listed below. Being a “recap” we will only share the basics.

Apply Article Layout Strategies.

Use Article Structure Strategies.

Optimize Article Structure.

Fine-Tune SEO (Bullet Points / Numbered List).

Submit To Medium Publications.

Share On Social Media.

Share With Groups Pages And Spaces.

Comment Read And Respond.

Finding Something To Do.

Know When To Do Nothing At All.

These are the basic elements that resulted in a 900% Medium statistical growth rate in 5 months. You might want to do a little research and get a better understanding. You are given the structure, figure out how to build with it because that is important on your path to success. “Figuring things out” is how you learn, there is no other way.

But we are not going to leave you “hanging” in curiosity about this 900% Medium statistical growth rate in 5 months! These 900% growth rate strategies on Medium in 5 months work like a charm. Therefore, you want to read the other Medium articles included here. Once you have done that, you will be an SEO monster and the simplicity will blow you away.

Medium makes SEO “easy” we can assure you. We just got the hang of it halfway down our Medium journey. Because after applying a bit more knowledge. The last 5 months have been pretty exciting, there was bound to be growth. But that much growth? NO WAY! That’s what we thought, but the Medium analytics don’t lie.

This proves that a 900% Medium statistical growth rate in 5 months is quite possible, but admittedly also a bit of work. When you write and study SEO long enough though, everything SEO becomes “second nature”. This is where instead of being scary, SEO becomes exciting, intriguing, and interesting.

What did we do to reach a 900% growth rate on Medium?

In a nutshell, basically just polishing Medium article SEO, submitting to Medium publications, and leveraging social media. While also maintaining consistency with engagement along with unique quality content. Offer content that provides solutions, and answers, and offers illustrated guidance. People will always remember how you made them feel, so make them feel satisfied.

Readers and search engines like pictures for demonstration and better understanding. Contributing to the 900% Medium statistical growth rate in 5 months is simplicity for better understanding. Because it attracts both reader and search engine interest. But apart from all of this, we just kept going even with hardly any visitors in comparison.

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” — Leonardo da Vinci

Within Only 5 Months The Statistical Growth On Medium Reached 900% From The Start
Author account screenshot. The image screenshot was captured with “Paint 3D”. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

Above are illustrated the analytical results for May 2023, 5 months ago and perhaps a bit discouraging. That is why you must keep going no matter what if you want to see a 900% Medium statistical growth rate within 5 months. Perhaps even sooner, not everyone will have the same results by following these 10 steps.

Remember that readability and “ease of reading” also played their part in this 900% statistical growth on Medium in just 5 months. This, by the way, is also a major SEO ranking factor because it is all about user experience (UX). Just follow these 10 basic steps and read the other Medium stories. Before you know it, hitting Page 1, Position 1 will be “second nature”.

Below you can see the difference between 21 May 2023, to 10 November 2023 (At The Time Of Writing This Article). Not quite 5 months yet. But the 900% Statistical growth on Medium in 5 months is reward enough. You must focus on the growth, not the volume.

It is midnight on our side and the views count for the day (Friday 10 November 2023) is 678 views! This now has the potential to keep growing, provided we maintain consistency! Perhaps even reach the 1K views per day mark soon, that would be “celebration time”!

Within Only 5 Months The Statistical Growth On Medium Reached 900% With Analytic Results
Author account screenshot. The image screenshot was captured with “Paint 3D”. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

From mid (21)-May 2023 to 10 November 2023. Previously the growth was 680%, today it is at 900%! November 21 will mark exactly 5 months, but let’s not worry too much about that. Just “rounding off” the figures. But with this kind of growth rate, let’s take a quick look at the potential growth for the next 5 months. Let’s see if we can maintain this growth rate consistently.

Let’s do the math, not considering growth increases between yesterday and today (680% To 900%). Provided we can maintain the current growth rate with consistency. At this rate (900%), within the next 5 months, we will be on the 50,256 monthly views mark. Now we’re talking, right? Because our goal is 500K views in the next 6 months.

Secrets to creating 100% SEO-optimized Medium articles.

Focus SEO Featured Snippet part. That is the most important part. But your content and strategic target keyword placement also play a part in your article structure. This is all explained in the other articles. For the SEO Featured Snippet, you must focus on the 8 areas below for a 900% statistical growth on Medium in the next 5 months.

H2 Header Kicker.

H1 Header Title.

H2 Subtitle.

Featured Image.

First 2 To 4 Lines Of Text.

Bullet Points.

Numbered Lists.

Header Descriptive Text.

This forms part of the article layout and structure for a 900% Medium statistical growth rate in 5 months. But you can read all about that in the Medium article below. Use the layout and structure to get your Medium articles indexed and ranking within 5 to 8 hours! We have tested it, and we can assure you it works! Would you like to see some proof?

Within Only 5 Months The Statistical Growth On Medium Reached 900% Proof Of Indexing And Ranking
Author account screenshot. The image screenshot was captured with “Paint 3D”. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

There you have it, as illustrated above. Not only did these SEO and Medium article strategies result in a 900% Medium statistical growth rate in 5 months. But it also increased targeted followers and subscribers rather substantially. As you can see above, search engines use bullet points and numbered lists for the SEO Featured Snippet.

Conclusion of 900% Medium statistical growth rate in 5 months.

Summarizing related articles with a Medium article of hope and excitement! Only 1 day ago we wrote an article where we shared a 680% growth rate and were pretty excited. That has now changed, remarkably, and we’re kind of dumbstruck by the 900% growth rate on Medium.

Apply Article Layout Strategies.

Use Article Structure Strategies.

Optimize Article Structure.

Fine-Tune SEO (Bullet Points / Numbered List).

Submit To Medium Publications.

Share On Social Media.

Share With Groups Pages And Spaces.

Comment Read And Respond.

Finding Something To Do.

Know When To Do Nothing At All.

If we could do this, then so can you because right here you have all the guidance you need. Every step we used, and strategies applied, along with illustrated proof that “this works” for increased visibility on Medium. Not all content marketing strategies you test will work, these are not among those. It flat-out works and the simplicity will blow you away.

If you found this Medium story helpful, kindly let us know in the comments. We would love to hear your opinion. Did you know about these 4 Reasons to improve GEO location targeting? Do you struggle with driving traffic, generating sales, creating content, or writing? Are you already familiar with GEO location audience targeting?

If you need help with anything, we speak “Medium” and “Writing” rather fluently, so feel free to reach out any time. With that, our “900% Medium statistical growth rate in 5 months!” story on Medium is concluded. Now you know that a 900% Medium statistical growth rate in 5 months is quite possible!

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Deon Christie
Article Writing SEO Guide (DCM)

Article Writing SEO For Affiliate Marketing | Free Buyer Traffic Methods. On Medium Since October 2022. Online Since 2011.