Part 1: Have You Been Avoiding Online Funnels In Your Startup?

Mark Francis Thompson
Startup Marketing Made Simple
3 min readSep 19, 2016

Too many entrepreneurs I know aren’t that profitable. I’ve made it my mission to fix that. This entire publication is going to de-mystify the online funnel for you, and this first part will give you a 3 minute education on everything you need to understand about funnels.

But first…

This is especially for you if you’re avoiding online funnels because you think they’re gimmicky, salesy, and don’t ‘look good’, but never implemented one before.

Think of why you are not using an online funnel. Now this might sound familiar:

  • It doesn’t work for my business
  • It’s too pushy
  • It’s too complex
  • I don’t want to lose my customers’ trust
  • It doesn’t work in 2016

They all have something in common. They’re all plain wrong.

I feel startups need to enter the very lucrative world of online funnels… because so many of you face the top symptoms:

  1. Not a lot of people have paid you cash for your services
  2. You’re not profitable
  3. You don’t know how to predictably attract customers week after week, month after month
  4. You’re spending too much time on sales & marketing and not your core business (which comes after the sale)
  5. You lack a high quality, segmented database of leads
  6. Or the worst one yet, you don’t believe in ‘spending on marketing’

(Hint — if you’re #6, just stop… you’ll lose less money in the long run)

If you face any of these problems, a funnel is what you need. Like, really really need. Funnels eat these problems for breakfast.

If you still don’t agree, it’s probably because you didn’t realize you were implementing a funnel all along to get those sales… and driving blind like that is really scary.

I’ve designed, built, tested and managed dozens of funnels over the last 4 years in all the businesses I’ve touched… and over $717,000 in revenue have gone through these funnels. In fact, I don’t know any faster way to get to profit.

And yes, they’ve worked for all types of businesses… I’ve built funnels for agencies, physical products, trainings, events, apps, online courses, and more.

The Breakdown

Funnels aren’t as complex as they seem. Some people might even try to make it seem that way… so they can charge you more to build it for you. Let’s break it down to the bare essentials so you start saving money:

Essential #1 — Good funnels are small funnels linked up together

First things first — there are a few different types of funnels. Most of you think a business needs 1 big funnel… but look below that layer, and you’ll find 3 or more funnels working together, like little elves putting together your Christmas wishlist.

Essential #2 — Each funnel is made up of the same few elements

Different funnels need to be used at different stages in your customer’s journey, but there are only so few elements in every funnel. You can set them up in a ton of different ways & sequences, which give almost unlimited permutations, but they are in essence the same 4 elements:

  • An offer
  • Landing pages
  • Email sequence
  • Sales mechanism

That’s it. Boom… demystified!

Essential #3 — Funnels alone don’t make money

Now think of the funnel like an actual physical funnel, except it turns water into gold (or chocolate, if you’re that type of person). You still need the water to go into the top, and the bucket below to capture that liquid money.

Now don’t blink:

Water = the attention of your target customer

Bucket = your business model

The Cliffhanger

That’s it, the simplest overview of funnels you’ll find online. The rest of this publication is going to break down everything here into smaller, simpler parts. Treat it like it’s meant to be: a step-by-step tutorial to implement a funnel right away in your startup.

Also, guess what? You’re in a funnel right now.




Mark Francis Thompson
Startup Marketing Made Simple

26 year old entrepreneur in Singapore. I run the first funnel agency in Singapore, and help Startup Founders profit & smash sales online >> join me on FB