Company Culture, Rules!

Why building a culture around you is so important

Aashna Kaur
Startup Notes


I can’t say that I am an expert on the Delhi Ecosystem but I know this.

Company Culture here, takes the back seat.

Like a back-bencher in a classroom, Startup Company Culture gets away with a lot. Entrepreneurs are unable to define a culture from the start.

I can count on my finger tips the number of startups that have a defined mission and vision.

Even if you are in beta and constantly evolving, you could do with a well scripted mission.

A mission defines how you are looking take your Startup to its intended destination.

This mission should ring true with everyone in your startup. Yes, even your interns (making effort here leads to a lower retention ratio. You don’t want to go looking for a new intern every month, believe me I have).

A detailed job description Isn't enough to match a person to. We are passionate individuals looking to build passionate teams, we do more than just our defined job set.

The mission is the first step to culture building, albeit a very important brick that needs to be set in place right at the foundation.

And no, defining a mission doesn't make you corporate-ish. It isn't something only corporates do. In any case, everything corporates do isn't rat poison that must be avoided at all costs. We learn and pick up the best of working styles and methods. And building and making a mission is indeed an important one.

Don’t make a short term rookie mistake. Your intern should be as aware of how you are intending to reach where you aim to be, as you are. If you ensure that, he just might stay with you till the very end.

P.S: And if you cannot define a mission because you aren't sure about where you want to be and how to get there, you my fellow horrendous co-founder are a loose cannon ball.

