10 Word News, I will always love you

Shannon Leonard
Startup Now
Published in
3 min readSep 20, 2016

An open letter from a 21 year old founder for his struggling news app 10 Word News

I was 19 years old when I founded 10 Word News. Now I’m almost 22. It’s been over a year since we launched version 1.0 on the App Store. So far I have raised zero dollars in VC funding. As of Sept. 19th 2016 the app has been downloaded a total of 336 times.

I’ve personally written all 693 stories published by 10 Word News.

A few months ago I stopped posting everyday. Since then I’ve only posted stories sporadically.

This is an open letter for my news app:

Hey, 10 Word News. It’s me, Shannon.

I just wanted to let you know that I still love you.

I haven’t updated you very much because I’ve been busy. But I know that’s just an excuse. I know I need to put in more effort, everyday.

You are such a cool app. If I had the funding to pay for a full editorial team I would. But right now it’s only me who keeps you up-to-date with the crazy world that we live in.

And so many crazy things are happening around the world.

I think that ‘mainstream news’ is so distorted these days. I truly think you are the answer. And yet (because of me) these days you have been outdated.

You may not deliver all the news, but at least you have always delivered a distinct and unique selection. Packaged in a beautifully designed interface.

Every time I see or read CNN I am inspired to change the world. Because the way they report the news is horrendous. I’m guessing Walter Cronkite would be shocked at the current news landscape. Clickbait has no place in news. That’s why I am still committed to keeping you updated. You are simply the best way to read the news.

I’m proud that our news just delivers the facts, and yet the selection is uniquly opinionated. I am proud that I have not posted a single story on the U.S. presidential election.

After investigating the market for a few years, it’s clear that news is not a good business to be in. This has to be a side project for me. But that won’t stop me from changing the news industry. These things take time.

I’m going to make more of an effort to keep you updated. No matter how many downloads you have, I will always love you.


Shannon Leonard

Shannon Leonard is the 21 year old Founder and CEO of 10 Word News.

Startup Now is an ongoing series that takes you into the mind of someone just crazy enough to try to change the world.

