10 Tyba Interviews to Watch for Marketing & Biz Dev Candidates

Theodora Filip
Find a job that excites you.
3 min readMar 5, 2015

Whether you’re looking soak yourself in the dynamic world of startup sales, or are interested in becoming a marketing maestro, the interview process can be a nerve-wracking process — especially when you’re not completely sure what your interviewer is looking for.

If you’ve already spent more than a good couple of hours frying your brain over the abundance of interview tips out there, sweat it no more. We’ve talked to a whole bunch of recruiters and team members at some of Europe’s top startups, and today we want to share some of their insights, wise words and interview tips with you!

Here are 10 Tyba interviews that are well worth watching if you’re thinking about applying to a position in Marketing or Business Development.

1. Jip Samhoud — Founder of &samhoud media

“When looking at candidates, our core values are the most important thing we look at. So it’s about authenticity, intensity, friendship and curiosity.”

2. Kal Di Paola — Founder & CEO of BuyMyWardrobe

“I love to hire people who love what they’re doing on a day to day basis. I don’t believe in being a slave to your salary, and I think you should be looking forward to Monday as much as you do to Friday.”

3. Peter Clothier — Head of Sales at Kiosked

“I’ve recruited a lot in my time, and I tend to look for people who are entrepreneurial and bright, skillful and smart, who aren’t afraid to make mistakes and like to try new things.”

4. Jorge Schnura — VP of Users & Co-Founder at Tyba

“We look for people who are smart, and for people who are very committed, not just to our goal, but to the rest of the team.”

5. Peter Michael — CMO & Co-Founder at Autobutler

“We’re looking for the people that have the drive, the energy, the rock-and-roll attitude to make a difference. Because we want to make a difference in history, we want to make a dent in the universe and look back and say that we changed the whole playing field.”

6. Emilie Tabor — Branding Manager at Fashiolista

“Do they take responsibility? Are they creative? Do they dare to say what’s on their mind? And, do they want to work hard and accomplish something? Because everything is possible, but you make your own success.”

7. Britta Fleck — VP Global Brand Relations at Glossybox

“I like a broad knowledge in terms of skills, where you can offer a bit of everything… you need to be extremely passionate about the product, you need to understand brand needs and you need to have a certain marketing knowledge. But passion is certainly the thing that I want most.”

8. Damien Routley — CEO of Glow

“Firstly there’s got to be a fit with the values of the company. The things that I look for are a positive approach to solving problems and working with others. Secondly people have got to be willing to learn a lot, and they’ve got to be able to help others succeed.”

9. Bora Polat — Co-Founder & CEO of Montemedia

“Be curious, be authentic (be yourself), be deeply motivated — you should be passionate about something in your life to inspire you, you should just talk as you are and tell us about your goals.”

10. Ed Adorno — CEO & Founder of Printsome

“We like to understand the candidate as a person before we look into the relevant stats such as their job experience or talents.”

Stay tuned for more backstage interview tips and tricks, straight from our companies’ recruiters. Marketing and Business Development not really your cup of tea? No worries, drop us a line and we’ll have a chat with you about your position of choice.

Words: Theodora Filip

Originally published at blog.tyba.com on March 4, 2015.

