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Achieving the Utopia of Hiring

Startup Studio Indonesia
Startup Studio Indonesia
3 min readOct 15, 2020


To every startup, utopia sounds like this; get the best talent to build and achieve startup vision. If only it is as easy as it sounds. Hiring is a process that requires a lot of patience and attention to detail. Even finding the best hiring format is different for every startup. It takes a lot of trial and error to find the best talents.

But worry not, because hiring is one of the main focuses in the development of a startup, some of the experts have gathered some lessons and also provide best practices that can help us find and develop some of the best talents.

So, what are the best hiring practices?

1. Attitude is everything

How the person shows up, questions that the person asks, how the person communicates makes their attitudes. Attitude is the best attribute that shows the working ethic.

If the person shows a core character that can be good for your company, then try hiring them, and mold them to your company’s work ethics and attitudes.

2. Drive & vision

Try to find out and understand whether the person is driven. Has a big life vision, and what has the person done and wants to do in the future to achieve that vision? We all have a purpose in life, understand the reason for this person to feel alive.

3. Prioritize those who have done research

Please, acknowledge this effort. If the candidate has done previous research, this is a sign that this thing matters for them. The effort for research and trying to map the problem and how it can contribute to solving the problem in the role means that it has been directly instilled by him.

4. Embrace those who embrace change

Learning new things will never end. Those who understand that life will always change and that new things will always be out there are good. After all, nothing is more certain than uncertainty.

5. Consider social media footprints

Living in the era of social media, it’s good if we also find out what the person does on their social media and online reputation. Try to find what things he posts on social media, and also what content is of interest to them.

6. Take your time

Hire longer to acquire talent that lasts longer. Hire fast, fire fast. So, take your time to find candidates who are truly fit with the company culture and the roles required. It’s okay. It takes time.

7. Make the hiring process human

Remember, we are interacting with humans. So treat humans properly. Although the hiring process may be carried out via call (voice or video), you have to emphasize on building the connection and understand again that humans are complex animals. By understanding this, we can get to know more deeply, what kind of people we will hire.

8. Ask what the person would like to learn

Hiring is not only aimed at getting the right people, but also a good company that must realize that people who are hired should be more developed after leaving the company later.

So try asking what he wants to learn, from that question, of course, we can more deeply assess what matters for him.

In the end, one of the main keys that must be done when hiring is to find someone who is enjoyable to work with, fit the culture of the startup, and the most important thing is to acknowledge that they’re human where mistakes and learnings are obligated in life.

