Qualitative vs Quantitative User Research

Startup Studio Indonesia
Startup Studio Indonesia


Research, research, and research. Is the best way to plan things. One thing that requires research is determining the right user for our product. Like research, two methods of research are conducted in two ways: Qualitative and also Quantitative.

Quantitative research is “explaining phenomena by collecting numerical data that are analyzed using mathematically based methods (in particular statistics).” Qualitative research seeks to answer questions about why and how people behave in the way that they do.

Quantitative research methods seek to measure an objective reality that exists externally from the researcher, and we have clear guidelines showing how to ensure that the research truly is objective and valid. With qualitative research methods, you cannot measure a completely objective reality that is not in any way influenced by the researcher.

Now that we understand the differences between the two, let’s explore how best to do User Research.

Qualitative research that can be done in conducting user research is to do this:

1. Conducting direct interview survey with several participants who are considered to represent your market persona

2. Because the basis is an interview, follow up question in the interview is very important

Quantitative research in other matters is to get the right number, for example, you are finding out your user behavior in doing sports activities. So what you can take into consideration are:

1. At what time does your user usually perform activities?

2. How long did they exercise?

With these questions, you will get numbers that can be used as data.

Is it true that qualitative research has no value compared to quantitative research?

The most ideal way is to combine the two. However, what must be considered is the time factor and also your urgency in researching.

Qualitative methods are good when you don’t have a lot of information about the topic you want to research because they allow you to be explorative. All it takes to do a qualitative method is the right person to talk to. The questions that were raised because the basis of was discussion were allowed to flow. But that doesn’t mean the question isn’t prepared in advance, huh.

Qualitative methods can give you an in-depth understanding of something in ways that are impossible to reduce to numbers. Qualitative methods can provide you with more detail about a situation or an answer because you can always follow up with new questions or go back to your participants for more detail.

On the other hand,

Quantitative research ends with conclusions/recommendations, as it tries to quantify a problem and understand how prevalent it is by looking for results that can be projected to a larger population. It can help you see the big picture.

The method will be structured and consistent during data collection, most likely using a questionnaire with closed-ended questions. The data can be used to look for cause and effect relationships and therefore, can be used to make predictions. The results will provide numerical data that can be analyzed statistically

So, think it through, in terms of factors which suits your needs best at this time? Happy researching!

